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From a Real American Hero: Dear Mr. Barack Obama


    An Iraq War Veteran has a personal message for Barak Obama. And I am in full agremetIf Obama had his way two years ago with his plan for withdrawal half of Iraq would belong to Al Qaida and the next half would belong to Iran TODAY. The idea of OBL controlling hundreds of billion dollars of oil does not sit too well with me. On 9/11 people could see the smoke from the World Trade Center from my home so I am NOT a huge fan of Obama's policies.

    The Veteran with the message lost his leg in Iraq defending freedom for the Iraqi people while creating a NEW Democracy. I am with the Veteran, I do not trust or believe in Barak Obama. I would say Barak Hussein Obama but he does not like when people use his full name. I as a person when a so-called Muslim name too am offended by Obama's hatred of the name his parents gave him.

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