If you have a problem with a post, please leave a comment on that post. Don't send me a fucking email bitching about it. Bitch in the fucking comment section, bitch there! The email address is for contributions to the blog with things like news stories and things people don't want to be seen like leaked topless tit pics of celebrities, sex videos, and candid moments. Criticism is loved and the comments are mostly read but not in the email, no one want to sort through that shit to find good content for the blog. So emails like the one below is a real ball buster.
Hey Jonathan "douchebag" Fransen (who's email address is obviously but I am a so the only thing I have is the name Jonathan Fransen) asswipe, when has this blog ever posted anything supportive of Bush? Sure there are a few post on this blog that Obama would (is not, inside story for another day) not be happy with but there are also a few critical of Bush too. The funny thing is that no one has ever sent an email pissed because a post was critical of Bush but last year assholes like you sent a shitload pissed off because someone is not on the bandwagon with you. And just because a person is not buying into the Obama wave, that does not mean they are on the Bush bandwagon.
--- On Sat, 1/17/09, Jonathan Fransen
From: Jonathan
Subject: idiot
From:To: wrote:
Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009, 8:30 PM
I like your site but your politics stinks and complete fuck off. Anyone who support this Bush-the-idiot is equally or worse an idiot!
So your assumptions are dead wrong. That's the thing about assumptions without a bit of information. They are usually wrong and they led to hate. I personally dislike Obama but I also dislike Bush (not hate, dislike) too. Fuck, I dislike McCain as well and I have disliked McCain for years but I notice something about Obama that shocked me. He talks about acceptance and a big tent but his followers are some of the most hateful monsters ever. Not to mention the media's school girl behavior (See SNL Obama debate clip on Youtube) when dealing with Obama. And the dude was all things to all people, he was making too many promises and some of his promises were contradictory. And to prove that point, just go take a look at a few liberal blogs and see how pissed they are at Obama already. Why are the people that were Obama's grassroots turning against him already? They feel he used them and he is not delivering on his promises to them a la Code Pink. Code Pink rejected Clinton and was one of the earliest groups on the Obama bandwagon. But in recent days, Code Pink has become the most critical group against Obama. Yeah, Code Pink has just learned something I have suspected for MONTHS.
And this blog was posting political shit from the start. Sure the blog's name is now Gutter Uncensored but as you (those that have been a reader of the blog since the beginning know this) can see from the URL it was intended to be called The Gutter Post. The blog started getting a ton of traffic very early, way earlier than anticipated the week before I was going to register that domain the blog was getting 10,000 visits per day and someone notice the popular of the blog and grab the domain just a day before we tried to register it. The blog was also intended for shit like photos of spy shots of pre-production cars and top secret military hardware like fighter jets and awesome shit like that. Sure the blog has gotten tit heavy but that's what people seem to want. But while we are on the topic, here is a piece of secret military hardware being develop.
China's Jian-12 or J-12 (F-12 for foreign markets) is 5th generation multi-role jet due to fly by 2012 and enter service by 2015. It has been codenamed XXJ or XX-J by US's Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). J-12 is destined to be China's top-end fighter along with the Su-30MKK when it will be introduced. The images below are artist renditions from spy photos and official images released by the P.R.C. over the years.

The J-12 or the XXJ is China's fifth (what happened to the fourth?) generation. The revealed design shows an aircraft with a stealthy appearance and the capabilities of a fifth generation fighter. The program is referred to as F-12 in China. The office of the Naval Intelligence revealed the existence of this project. The ONI believes that the Chinese researchers have begun studies on the design concept. The studies are conducted by Chengdu aircraft manufacturing plant and they are considering a twin engine version for the aircraft and is believed to have a single and twin seat configuration.
In 1986 China signed a US$550 million agreement with Grumman to modernize its J-7 (MiG-21 Fishbed) fighter aircraft under the "Super-7" upgrade project. Western companies from the US and Britain were competing to provide the engine and avionics. The project was cancelled in early 1990, in the wake of the cooling of political relations with the West, as well as in response to a 40% increase in the cost of the project. However, Chengdu managed to continue the programme with its own resources and the project was re-branded as FC-1 (Fighter China-1) and later F-12.
For now, China's top-end plane remains J-10, which is basically an Israeli airframe with Russian engines. It is still under development and it is expected that Russian content will increase extensively as the development progresses.
China has developed close ties with Russia's aerospace industry and has license produced many fighters including MiG-21 and Su-27. Their FC-1/Super 7 design is based on MiG-33 (which was rejected by Soviet Air Force). Earlier Chinese planes are the Q-5 Fantan, J-8 Finback and FBC-1. The FBC-1 was their latest attempt, and wasn't successful - the Su-27 filled in for it. Considering their track record, it may well be possible that the J-12 ends up being a re-christened MiG MFI. MAPO-MIG is already involved in the J-10 program. MFI is one of the world's 5th generation designs.
The J-12 is expected to enter service in the year 2015. There may be a delay in this expectation as the Chinese lack the capability to build some of the vital systems on the aircraft such as the Radar absorbent material and most important the engine which is believed to be a thrust vectoring engine. This means that the Chinese would have to purchase equipment from Russia. But the provision of such equipment by Russia is still a question as Russia denied the sale of engines for the Super-7 project because of pressure from one of Russia's allies. The Super-7 project is almost nearing a state in which it will be scrapped.
Another main problem with the Chinese is that they have no fourth generation fighters except for the Su-27s which are made in license production. This would mean a generation leap for the Chinese. Though the J-12 belongs to the same generation to that of the F-22 and the MiG-MFI/LFI it would be far more inferior to those aircraft in many ways. Some have speculated that Chengdu is developing the J-12 by drawing from design clues from the F-22 but that would be problematic since they do not have a F-22 to reverse engineer.
Damn, two post in one. I'll make a second post for the plane stuff later in the week. Yeah, this blog is about jets and tits and everything in between.
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