One of the more bizarre pieces of information to be made public on Senator in waiting, Roland Burris, age 71, are reports of his already constructed mausoleum listing his achievements. Roland Burris, Gov. Rod Blagojevich's controversial choice to replace President-elect Barack Obama in the US Senate, has already begun work on his memorial in Oak Woods Cemetery on Chicago's South Side. His tombstone boldly proclaims, "TRAIL BLAZER" and includes a list of his accomplishments, with space left for future ones. Burris built a mausoleum to himself with a list of his accomplishments he prefixes with "First African-American in Illinois to become." Dude, no joke but Governor Rod Blagojevich is my favorite American politician today.
If it was not for Blago, I would have never known Roland Burris ever existed and that would be a damn shame. This is Gov. Rod Blagojevich way of saying "Fuck You" to all of America in his last days in office and probably his last days of freedom. I love this dude because if I was in his shoes (facing up to 20 years in prison) I would be throwing firebomb too. LOL... Anyway, do you think this is a mausoleum or a fucking résumé for Roland Burris to God himself? Click on pictures to enlarge.
Roland Burris has erected a grand mausoleum for himself, carved with the words "TRAIL BLAZER" and a long list of his achievements, with a space left for his more recent accomplishments. So, the question now is how Roland Burris, Illinois's newest senator, plans to update his pre-carved mausoleum?
He was pretty clever: leaving just enough space to allow an additional line or two, while still preserving a decent overall appearance in case he didn't have anything else to add before he died. I admire that kind of forethought.

But Burris carved himself into a corner when he set up his bullet list with the label "First African-American in Illinois to become"...
Because now he's a U.S. senator, which is a pretty big deal and definitely would make the list of things to put on your mausoleum but he's not the first African-American senator from Illinois by a long shot.
What to do, what to do? Oh, I know!

He’s definitely fit to serve in the U.S. Senate with the other egos.
Roland Wallace Burris (born August 3, 1937 in Centralia, Illinois, U.S.A.) is a Democratic American politician and former statewide officer in the U.S. state of Illinois. Burris served as Comptroller of Illinois from 1979 to 1991 and as Attorney General of Illinois from 1991 to 1995.
On December 14, 2008, Burris suggested himself as a possible caretaker for the United States Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama, saying he would not run for reelection if appointed. This suggestion came in the wake of an FBI investigation regarding charges of corruption by the Governor for seeking bribes in a pay-to-play scheme for the empty Senate seat and other offenses. Burris himself has not been implicated in the scheme or accused of any wrongdoing. On December 30, 2008, Governor Blagojevich announced that he was naming Burris to the seat.
On December 30, 2008, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) announced he was naming Burris to fill the seat in the United States Senate vacated weeks earlier by President-elect Barack Obama. Questions were raised about whether Blagojevich's action was legitimate and if Burris should be seated, in the wake of Blagojevich's arrest on multiple corruption charges.
On January 5, 2009, Secretary of the United States Senate Nancy Erickson rejected Burris' certificate of appointment to the Senate as invalid. Erickson cited Senate Rule 2 as the reason for the rejection. Senate Rule 2 requires that the certificate be signed by both a state's governor and the state's secretary of state. Because Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White had refused to sign the certificate, Erickson concluded in her findings that the certificate did not conform to Senate Rule 2. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid agreed with Erickson.
Legal experts have differing opinions on whether the Illinois Secretary of State's signature is required by both the United States Constitution and Illinois law. In an interview aired on National Public Radio on December 30, 2008, the former Illinois governor James R. Thompson said that the certification of the governor's choice is a routine administrative matter and not at the Secretary of State's discretion. Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White said that he believes his signature is "mostly ceremonial, rather than a point of law." White maintained that he would not sign a certification for anyone appointed by Blagojevich, including Burris, unless compelled to do so by a court. On January 9, 2009, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that the governor's appointment does not require any additional certification.
Reid initially said that the Senate would not seat Burris, citing Article I, Section 5 of the United States Constitution, which states that "Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members". Reid and other senators had previously stated, before Burris was in contention, that they would use Article I authority against any appointment by Blagojevich. The Senate may also refer the appointment to the Rules Committee, thus stalling it until Blagojevich's status is settled.
Burris filed a lawsuit with the Illinois Supreme Court to compel White to certify his appointment documentation and appeared in Washington at the January Congressional swearing-in ceremony (January 6) to claim his seat, but was denied entry into the Senate chambers. Some Democrats, including Dianne Feinstein and the Congressional Black Caucus, spoke out in favor of Burris being seated.
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