Damn camwhores! Wow, something must be in the water in Singapore because they just keep on coming. A tipster just send these pictures of a girl claimed to be the little sister of Tammy from the Tammy Nyp sex video scandal fame. Tammy's sister seem to have bigger boobs than her so these shts will be enjoyed. If you have more photos of lil sis and her name than please forward it to, more info needed. That Singaporean dude who complained about slutty and naked local girls on this blog must be really pissed right about now. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Tammy is about 20 year old now so her sister seem to be around 18 0r 19 and following her big sister's foot steps. BTW, I know the Tammy Nyp sex video is not posted yet. Her 18 year old ass getting fucked will be posted someday because more people send that video than any thing else.
Thanks to "toytoy"
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