Soon to be 15 year-old Dakota Fanning look to be maturing into a woman. Wearing a gray mini-dress, Dakota Fanning was a true Hollywood starlet at the L.A. premiere of Push at the Mann Village Theater in Westwood. Lets just hope she doesn't pick up a cocaine habit within the new few years. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Hannah Dakota Fanning (born February 23, 1994 in Conyers, Georgia, U.S.A.), better known simply as Dakota Fanning, is an American actress. Fanning's breakthrough performance was in I Am Sam in 2001. As a child actress, she developed her craft in such high-profile films as Man on Fire, War of the Worlds, and Charlotte's Web. Fanning began transitioning to more adult roles with Hounddog and The Secret Life of Bees. She has won numerous awards, and is currently the youngest person ever to have been nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award.
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