The teenage call girl accused of having sex with at least three French football stars when she was underage today broke her silence over the scandal announcing: "I loved them all." Zahia Dehar, now 18 year-old, is the girl at the center of a French World Cup football (soccer) team sex scandal involving players, Franck Ribery, Karim Benzema and Sidney Govou. So, the young Parisian of Moroccan decent wasn't sleeping with the entire team; just three of them that we know of so far. She came forward after police raided Cafe Zaman, a notorious brothel on the Champs Elysee. Zahia has told police she had underage sex with all three players, according to the Daily Telegraph. The English newspaper reported her saying she was "shocked" the players faced charges and that she told them she was an adult. She also said the players had treated her "with utter respect" and should be left alone.

Franck Ribery has admitted to having sex with Zahia Dehar several times in 2009 but denies knowing that she was underage. A French Judge is assessing the case whether to go ahead and charge Franck Ribery with having sex with an underage prostitute. All three men now face up to three years in prison, though she doesn't think they should be punished, as they were very respectful and unknowing to her age. However, Ribery may have at least known Dehar was underage, as she celebrated her 18th birthday with him several months after they began. Aside from the underage factor, perhaps the bigger scandal here is that Ribery is married. I wonder what his wife, Wahiba Ribery thinks of this mess. The story is getting huge media coverage in France because it involve a under age hooker and several sports superstars. Where as the story goes they say Zahia has worked as a prostitute since March 2008, and has made a fortune sleeping with rich clients and multi-millionaire football stars.
She turned 18 less than 2 months ago. That is her below (see the skanky pictures) when she was 17. And perhaps 16 too. She would travel the world, making upwards of $30 grand a month. Along with Franck Ribery a couple of other soccer players paid Zahia Dehar £2,000 to over £3,000 ( $5,000.00 USD) a night to sleep with her. Now, some ladies might say "if being a whore gets you a trip to Dubai, sign me up!" And normally I would condemn such remarks but we are talking about a 7 star hotel here. This is a case of high-scale + high-price prostitution involving large sums of money you and I could never imagine spending on sex. But you would hope she wasn't stupid enough to practice her craft in Dubai because I don't even want to think of what they do to whores in a place like Dubai.
The questions about Franck Ribery, Karim Benzema and Sidney Govou come as France awaits its World Cup team to be named, in about three weeks. Ribery is the star of the French team, who in 2007 signed for about $30 million to play for the Bayern Munich team. The AP reports no charges have been filed. Prostitution is legal in France, but clients are liable if the prostitute isn't over 18 years-old, the AP says, and offenders face up to three years in prison and a $60,000 fine. Police in Paris are investigating whether other French football (soccer) players on the French team had sex with the underage girl who's alleged to have been working for a suspected prostitution ring at a Paris night club. Anyway, the French public will not be phased by the sex issues in the story, as the French are very tolerant to these type of issues relating to sex. And yes, even perhaps underage sex with a teen prostitute. Plus, they really want to win the World Cup. But they will love the sizzle behind the sex story, the gossip, the stars, the money, the pimps who were involved the hanky panky in the sex clubs, all that stuff the French media will feed on with relish. Click on pictures to enlarge.

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