After weeks in virtual solitude, with no interviews or statement to the press addressing her asshole husband and his serial cheating dick, Sandra Bullock is on the cover of People magazine with the revelation that she’s divorcing Jesse James, and she has adopted a baby boy from New Orleans. Sandra Bullock went from "not speaking to the media for months" to "surprise, I'm getting a divorce and adopting a baby." Wow, she really knows how to make a splash. Wait, and it is a black kid from New Orleans and no one know who his parents are. That must be some kind of error. I have been to New Orleans, and I certainly don't remember anything like that there. It is a wonderful place, a land of enchantment, with rivers of gumdrops and chocolate, and unicorn guides who welcome you with a loving embrace. Except replace "wonderful place" with "dangerous place" then "chocolate" with "urine," "unicorn" with "gangbanger" and "loving embrace" with "SKS assault rifles." Not only she has adopted 3 1/2 month old Louis Bardo Bullock from New Orleans, she plans to convert to Judaism because she hates Nazis so much. Or she really want to save her acting career in Hollywood after being link to a dude with a fascination to National Socialism (Nazism) circa Germany 1930's - 1940's. TMZ report:
The magazine asked the question, "Were you aware of any interest [Jesse] may have had in white supremacy or Nazism?" Bullock responded, "The photo shocked me and made me sad. This is not the man I married. This was stupid, this was ignorant. Racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, homophobia, anything Nazi and a boatload of other things have no place in my life."And my hopes for that Sandra Bullock Nazi sex tape is fading fast. So sad! The timing of the trophy baby thing is interesting, so sick of celebs and their PR stunts. White people buying black people? I thought that all ended in 1865 on American soil. I guess Hollywood is exempt. Hmmm... Black babies remain the ultimate fashion accessory since the Gucci handbag for rich white woman in Los Angeles who want maximum attention. I guess one way to quiet rumors that you knew your husband was a white supremacist when you married him is to adopted a baby that was floating on a dining room table in the 9th Ward. Wait, New Orleans is still under water right? I mean, it was a big story a while ago, but I kinda stopped following it. That little' kid just hit the fucking lotto, and he doesn't even know it...yet. People report:
Bullock added, "And the man I married felt the same."
As for her newly adopted African-American baby, Bullock told the magazine she arranged for the child to have a bris -- the Jewish circumcision ceremony.
"He's just perfect, I can't even describe him any other way," Bullock reveals exclusively in the new issue of PEOPLE, announcing that she is the proud mother of Louis Bardo Bullock, a 3½-month-old boy, born in New Orleans. "It's like he's always been a part of our lives."A secret adoption? Yeah, a likely story. I' am not accusing Sandra of anything, but she was in New Orleans filming The Blind Side for exactly nine months (no she wasn't). And then she brings home a black baby? You can't really blame Jesse's broken Nazi heart for jumping to conclusions about Sandra sleeping with a non-Aryan and going on a revenge cheating spree of his own. By the way, I am assuming Julia Roberts' picture next to the "World Most Beautiful People 2010" headline is some kind of terrible terrible mistake by the copy editor. Hopefully he gets fired over that and eaten by a pack of wild dogs. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Bullock, 45, and husband Jesse James, 41, began the adoption process four years ago and brought Louis home in January but decided to keep the news to themselves until after the Oscars. Their close friends and family - including James's children Sunny, 6, Jesse Jr., 12, and Chandler, 15 - were essential in keeping the adoption a secret.
Then, just 10 days after the March 7 Oscars, Bullock and James separated following reports James had cheated. Bullock says she is now finalizing the adoption as a single parent.

Sandra Annette Bullock (pronounced /ˈbʊlək/; born July 26, 1964 in Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.) is an American actress who came to fame in the 1990s, after roles in successful films such as Speed and While You Were Sleeping. She has since established her career with films such as Miss Congeniality and Crash, which received critical acclaim. In 2007, she was ranked as the 14th richest female celebrity with an estimated fortune of $85 million. In 2009, Bullock starred in the most financially successful films of her career, The Proposal and The Blind Side. Bullock was awarded a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role, and the Academy Award for Best Actress, for her role as Leigh Anne Tuohy in The Blind Side.
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