Some tranny loving bastard (see picture below) by the name of Robert Plachciak in Malaysia have too much fucking time on his hands. This unlucky asshole sent an insulting email on a day I was so damn pissed the old blog was being block and I was trying to direct traffic to the new one, I promised I would get back to his email once the blog was fixed. First, if you don't like something or have a problem with a post, please leave a comment on that post. Don't send in a fucking email to bitching about it adding crap to my inbox. Bitch in the fucking comment section, bitch there! The email address is for contributions to the blog with things like info, news stories and things politicians don't want people to see like leaked semi-nude pictures they take with their lovers, sex videos, and candid moments. Criticism is okay and the comments are mostly read but not in the email, no one want to sort through that shit to find good content for the blog. So emails from this one from some dude living in the Petaling district of Selangor in Malaysia is a real ball buster.
On Thu, 2/19/09, robert plachciakwrote:
From: Robert Plachciak
Subject: If I was 13 and had nothing to do, Id start a silly website too
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 1:16 AMPlease don't tell me that with all the bad stuff going on in the world, your contribution is this..It's hardly something to tell your kids about,Hey Daddy what do you do for a living? I get people to send me private photos that could ruin a persons life... then I send them out to as many people as possible...Try to help out in the world dude.. it's a pretty crappy place already without another person with a website and nothing else better to do, trying to get pleasure out of causing harm to others,
Most people were smart enough to keep their displeasure to the controversial pictures of MP Wong in the comments section but not this dude. This dude is a friend of or a strong supporter of Elizabeth Wong. Funny because he seems to be originally from Australia. He seem to be a member of PJ Hash House Hazzards and I see people with the Wong surname on the members list. Don't know how common that surname is in that area so that might link him to relatives of Elizabeth. He seem to be currently living in the same area as Elizabeth Wong distract in Malaysia. And he is not happy that revealing pictures of one of his favorite politician were published on this blog. He is not happy that the posted pictures taken of the Queen of Malaysia's crotch. He doesn't realize in fact she is not the God given Queen of Malaysia but rather just another fucking politician. A fucking politician that was stupid enough to allow some dude she shouldn't have trusted in the first place take intimate pictures of her. If people are so unhappy, just send in pictures of the other side and you will see the fairness of this blog and see this blog really don't care which side has scandalous shit they hide from the people.
Hey Robert Plachciak, if I was 13 and had nothing to do, I would not be emailing a silly website too. Why would I waste my time writing to a silly website when I could be jerking off?
And I certainly wouldn't be sending hate mail to the's no bullshit contribution email address if I had pictures of me with transsexuals on my very public Flickr album. How could you be so stupid Robert Plachciak? Where were you with those boygirls in the picture, Philippines or Thailand? In the picture you are surrounded by trannies dude so the next question is easy, did you bust a lot of ball over there too? You tranny loving bastard. Just look at the tranny loving bastards (white dudes vacationing in Southeast Asia are almost aways up to no good, I hate to admit that but it is true) with his hands all over them trannies. LOL... Hopefully you haven't brought AIDS back from your Thailand trips to infect your poor innocent girl friend back home. And I think he might also be ex-Army too, the Australian Army should be so proud.

Just look at the tranny loving bastard in the middle of his transsexual playmates.

No fucking AUG? Now that is a real gun. Love the balance of bullpups!
Don't Fuck With Me You Tranny Prostitute Loving Cocksucker!
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