Obama Medical Records: Obama Refuses Release. What is He Hiding?
71 year old Sen. McCain has released his medical records but not the young and seemingly healthy Sen. Obama.
Lets clear this up first. Barack Obama's name was "Barry Hussein Obama" but in college during his identity crisis he changed it to "Barack Hussein Obama" because Barry wasn't a black sounding name. He went with the traditional and formal African name Barack. Don't believe? Here is a high school yearbook picture of him with the name Barry Obama:

The October Surprise is here:
Information is leaking that Barack Obama was treated for mental related illnesses in the 70's and early 80's and my have been prescribed anti-psychotic medications. Schizophrenia is the main reported diagnosis with possible case serve depression. In his first book he express his struggle with his identity and wanting to kill his white half, a view he shares with Malcolm X. "Dreams From My Father" suggests that Barack Obama has a problem with white people and that is troubling because he is half white. Barack Obama sees himself as a black man raised by his white mother and grandparents. In is book he disuses his feelings about this mater and what seem like the depression resulting from it. Obama suffered from depression and Obama is a schizophrenic individual.
Yesterday the big talk in political chat rooms was Obama's yet to be released medical record. Obama may still need prescribed medications for mental related issues. It is suspected that he has not been taking his medications consistently because of several episode at recently campaign rallies.
Thanks to "MentalFamily"A person diagnosed with schizophrenia may demonstrate auditory hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized and unusual thinking and speech; this may range from loss of train of thought and subject flow, with sentences only loosely connected in meaning, to incoherence, known as word salad, in severe cases.
This video shows classic schizo speech patterns. The Obama campaign has stated that no medical records will be released. Instead, a one-page undated letter from a doctor will have to satisfy reporters on that issue.
Senator McCain has granted access to more than 2,500 pages of records, in 1999 and 2008, and a recent report, including all current medications, from a team of doctors at the Mayo Clinic that has been treating him for years.
Barack Obama stands alone in the last three elections as the only candidate to not release medical records to the public.
Gore did it in 1999: Gore’s Health ‘Outstanding,’ Doctors Say
Bush released medical and service records in 2000 and again in 2004: Bush releases his Vietnam-era military files
Though there were some questions, Kerry released records in 2004: Kerry allows Navy release of military, medical records
Senator Barack Obama released, in May, a one-page letter from his primary care doctor, who had not even seen him in 18 months. The Obama campaign has stated that no medical records will be released, the letter from the stating that he his currently in good heath will have to suffice.
Dr. David L. Scheiner, MD on staff at the University of Chicago Hospital and Rush University Medical Center has been Obama's primary care physician since March of 1987 and has recently completed a review of Obama's records for the last 21 years.
But Obama will has refused to grant access for an independent public review of the records. The medical records join Obama’s college and university records as parts of the candidate’s past that is off-limits.
Where Obama was born is also off-limits. We won’t address the senator’s birth records: that’s another subject.
The refusal of the Obama campaign to release records any American has to provide to secure employment is a puzzler: Obama promises “change” and “hope” and transparency.
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