Kim Kardashian tried to knocked down rumors on her official blog that she's had plastic surgery by posting the picture below of herself. Can you guess how old she is? Try 14 years old. Ha ha ha! You're going to jail for getting hot for her teen pic. In an attempt to prove that she has never had plastic surgery, Kim Kardashian has put up the following photo of her which she claims was taken when she was 14 years old. Here's the word from Kim:
I believe I have answered this question before but here I go again...Hmm, interesting. But I know all people want to see is her 14 year old boobs. Perverts... LOL! Here is the photo she posted. Click on pictures to enlarge.
I am definitely not against it at all, but haven’t yet had it! Personally, lip injections are the thing I would never do—even if I didn’t have full lips.
I think lip injections look very fake and bad and I wouldn’t want to kiss anyone with stuff in their lips—so I wouldn’t do it to myself.
This is a picture of me when I was about 14 years old in a bikini. I hope after seeing this you guys will never ask me a plastic surgery question again! I have had a size C since I was 11 years old! So one day I will definitely get a lift, but I am waiting until after I have kids. Until then I rely on a great supportive bra! LOL!
All the butt implant rumors are just so not true and now just silly to me. I have answered dozens of times “no I do not have butt implants,” but people just don’t seem to want to believe it!
I have always had an insecurity with my nose... People also have assumed I have had a nose job, but I have not! I look exactly the same as I did when I was a kid, except my nose has grown a little. I hate the bump on the side of my nose, but am way too afraid to mess with my face!
If you are considering plastic surgery, please please please know you can never ever change it back and you will never be the same. That could be a very good thing or a very bad thing! Make sure you have thought long and hard and that the plastic surgeon is board certified and has an amazing track record!
Don’t ever take the cheaper way out! This is your body and ultimately your life!
Yours in truth,

here she is now:

Kimberly Noel Kardashian (born October 21, 1980 in Los Angeles, California) is an American stylist, apparel retailer and television personality. She is best known for her social life, sex tape, and her appearances on reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
Kardashian was only little known outside gossip circles until her pornographic home video she had made with then-boyfriend, rapper Ray J was leaked. Vivid Entertainment was the distribution company against which Kardashian had pursued legal action for the ownership of the tape. Kardashian later dropped the suit and settled with Vivid Entertainment for five million dollars.
In 2000, Kardashian married music producer Damon Thomas, their relationship ended in divorce in 2004. Currently she is dating NFL player Reggie Bush. On May 2, 2008, Kardashian released a workout DVD, Workout with Kim Kardashian, and a set of workout cards with the help of trainer Kathy Kaehler.
Kardashian was only little known outside gossip circles until her pornographic home video she had made with then-boyfriend, rapper Ray J was leaked. Vivid Entertainment was the distribution company against which Kardashian had pursued legal action for the ownership of the tape. Kardashian later dropped the suit and settled with Vivid Entertainment for five million dollars.
In 2000, Kardashian married music producer Damon Thomas, their relationship ended in divorce in 2004. Currently she is dating NFL player Reggie Bush. On May 2, 2008, Kardashian released a workout DVD, Workout with Kim Kardashian, and a set of workout cards with the help of trainer Kathy Kaehler.
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