The ad pictured below appeared on Craigslist showing mother Traci Young (38 years old) and her daughter Tammi Smith (22 years old). Young and Smith, plus Young’s boyfriend, David Riley, were arrested yesterday after an undercover cop posed as a john and allegedly paid them for their sexual services. Their Craigslist ad basically said that the two ladies were a package deal.

The Craigslist ad was listed under erotic services, and touted Young and Smith as a "mother-n-daughter tag team," according to one version of the ad. It showed a picture of the two, cozy on a sectional couch that sits on the home’s front porch. The threesome was specifically advertised "w4m" or women for men.
Young and Smith negotiated a $200 rate for both of them at the same time and "for multiple sex acts," said Lt. Charles Green, with the Citywide Vice Enforcement Unit.
The mother and daughter hookers had men in Philadelphia going in and out of their Tacony home sometimes every 30 minutes neighbors said.
Smith’s has two daughters, 7 and 5, and a son, 3, who were all taken into protective custody. Neighbors said:
"It was heartbreaking to see them kids. The parents didn’t take care of them. The boy was once outside in the rain, wearing only a diaper. All the neighbors would keep an eye on them to make sure they didn’t run out into the street. The mother and daughter would walk around with ’G-strings’ and they were in the backyard with no tops."
Young and Smith were known around the block to be working as strippers at Dangerous Curves, on Tacony Street near Comly.
Also arrested was 29-year-old David Riley, Young’s pim…I mean boyfriend. When cops stormed the house Riley hid in a crawlspace where either Young or Smith placed their four pitbulls. This would be the ultimate white trash story if they only lived in a trailer.
Speaking of the living quarters this is how police described it…
When Green entered the house - which had cable TV and a queen-size mattress covered in a comforter made by the tween brand Bratz and girlish pillowcases featuring princesses and monkeys - he was “taken aback.”
“I thought it was deplorable,” he said. “It was sick.”
And this is why I really love and miss Philadelphia sometimes…
Many neighbors applauded when the two women were escorted outside by police and in handcuffs.
Apparently the pair worked as strippers and when their club closed down they apparently turned to turning trick.
Young had a different take, telling TV reporters as she did the perp walk into the police van: “It’s a messed up world out there. We have to do this just to get by.”
Or you could have…oh I don’t know…gotten real jobs.
According to one of the comments left on the Daily news article one of them was wearing a tshirt at the time of their arrest that said “Where do you want it? The yapper, the snapper, or the crapper?”
The kids were taken from the home and placed with CPS. You wouldn’t consider them victims in all of this would you?
The city Department of Licenses and Inspections yesterday deemed the house a nuisance, because of prostitution and forbade its residents to return.
Looks like Young and Smith will have to work real jobs like everyone else now, if they can find one. Neighbors were caught on TV news camera clapping for the arrest, and one said, "clean up our neighborhood." According to reports, many neighbors complained about the goings-on at the house since the women moved in about a year ago.
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