Is this Crazy Mess for Real?
Not too much shock the but if these pictures are real someone have to do some serious answering. The pictures below were sent to the Gutter Uncensored via the tipster email address stating they are from a SJMC Hospital operation room. The person who sent the pictures stated that the hospital is located in Singapore but also attached a file saying it is in Malaysia. After checking it out for we can safely say SJMC is in fact in Malaysia. After a little investigating it appears that these pictures have been floating around the internet for a couple of months now. I try to see if I could find any reports of a police investigation to no success. The idea of patients on the operating table being abuse is sickening and its even worse to think this guy is still out there. So, here is a little from the email:
"Hi Gutter,Someone who hate SJMC Hospital for whatever reason might be behind this but it might be real. We just don't know yet. I do believe this was made in a real hospital or on a really expensive movie set. Hopefully this post will bring some answers. Click on pictures to enlarge.This is said to happen in a renowned hospital in Singapore. Shocking. And since u have so many fans in Spore and Msia, this will definitely attract lots of attention. "

If you have any information on this please leave a comment or send it to and lets get to the bottom of this story. This man deed to be stopped if this is a real incident at a hospital.
Sime Darby Medical Centre Subang Jaya, SDMCSJ (formerly known as Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC)) is a private hospital in Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. It is located in Section 12 (SS 12) of Subang Jaya and is also situated near Jalan Kewajipan (Kewajipan Road). It was opened in 1988.
The Sime Darby Medical Centre Subang Jaya has two wings, the northern and southern wings, which are connected by an aerial bridge.
This hospital is owned by the Sime Darby group.
--------------------------------------------Thanks to Someone Who Prefer to Be Anonymous for bring this to light
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