I am looking for the Chye Ting Lih sex video and/or pictures if any exist. If you have it please take the time to email it in to the Gutter Uncensored so it can be shared. Send it to, if the file is too large to email just upload it to or or and email the download link to Or you can send in any scandalous video or photos with an interesting description. Below are some new pictures of the "Foosball Chicks" but many are duplicates from previous posts.
Adil Sayeed is the man in the middle of the "Foosball Chicks" Jane Lo Li & Allyssa Yin Yi aka Snowkisz aka Yinyi aka Allyssa Kwan. Super pimp Adil seem to be a real player with the ladies getting them to strip and pose for naughty pictures. He is the son of a very wealthy man so he has plenty of time on his hands to become the 2004, 2007 and 2008 Foosball World Champion. When this championship foosball player is not playing foosball he is busy fucking every moving object with a pussy in the Malaysian foosball community. And of course he take pictures and videos to share with his friends. But the thing is when you share explicit pictures and video with your friends on the internet, you are in fact sharing it with the WORLD. Yup, this asshole cause these girls to become amateur porn stars. Anyway, here is his Facebook page so no one can say I am too mean to the girls. And for you guys making fun of Adil Sayeed's small penis, all I have to say is shame on you all. LOL... Click on pictures to enlarge.

These scandalous leaked pictures and video are of Malaysia's favorite girlfriends Jane Lo Li and Alyssa Yin Yi a.k.a. Alyssa Kwan. Jane Lo is a real hottie in my personal opinion, the scorpion tat chick is nice but I am really into Jane. They both attended Malaysia Limkokwing University. They are well known in the Malaysian foosball community so much so that they are known as the foosball chicks. From what I hear Alyssa is Malaysian and Jane is a Chinese Malaysian girl, her family is orignally from Taiwan. Jane lives in Taiping, Perak and Jane's parents own a goldsmith shop in Taiping. The guy is Pakistani and his name is Adil Sayeed, his dad own the Sayfol International School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Thanks to "Zac Efron" the original tip.
SEE Older Posts about This Sex Scandal below:
Leaked Threesome Sex Pictures of Malaysia Limkokwing University Students
Malaysia Limkokwing University Foosball Duo Jane Lo Li & Allyssa Yin Yi are Friends Who Shared Everything
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