Bai Ling was looking better than we've seen her in a long time here in West Hollywood: no nip slips, everything contained, and actually. . . cute? Bai Ling was looking better than we've seen her in a long time here in West Hollywood: no nip slips, everything contained, and actually. . . cute? Bai Ling was asked who she is voting for in the Presidential election. She wasn’t sure, but she did nominate herself for President, and she even gave us a preview into her foreign policy. This coming from someone with foreign policy experience.
When Bai-Ling was asked about the presidential election at the opening of “Third Eye Blonde” in Malibu and after saying that she wasn’t really familiar with the two candidates - she went on to say that the next president should have a “big heart.”
Nice to see that Bai-Ling cares… LOVE HER CHINESE ACCENT!!!

Thanks to "Bconnect"
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