There are lies and then there are damn lies. The picture below is a doctored photoshop photo of what is suppose to be Sarah Palin in a bikini while holding a gun. Most of the idiots that make up the news media that call themselves "journalist" ran with the false photo. I thought journalist were fair and unbias! They won't touch the factual news story about Michelle Obama racist Princeton thesis but they just went with the fake pic without checking it. Its not that they are so stupid that they have never heard of Photoshop, its that they are BIAS. Fuck, I am bias against Obama but I don't try to come across as a journalist. And I would be bias against any lying full of shit socialist theft.

It is a totally Fake Photoshop people, but I wish it was real because I think it look tough and would tell American haters what time it is.
The New York Times reported that Todd Palin, Sarah’s husband, was arrested 22 years ago on for DUI, although they fail to mention if he was convicted, which would mean he is legally innocent of any crime. Getting arrested doesn’t make a person a criminal, getting convicted in a court of law does. Bloomberg saw the story, and wrote their own (below) saying that Sarah herself was the one who was arrested. They later corrected the error without a retraction, so if you hear Sarah was arrested for DUI, tell that person to check their source again. Bloomberg posted the obituary of Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, on August 27, even though he isn’t dead. Hopefully the person making all those mistakes at Bloomberg can be reassigned to a more important job like dumping garbage cans in the offices around the building, after they are filled with papers covered with printing errors.

Sarah and her family have really caught the attention of the bias American news media. They hate her because she is not an elite like them and the elitist in America believe common folks should not run for office. All the false reports we are seeing is because Sarah Palin is just like the 90% of America that get things done and don't just talk.
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