Sarah Palin has so much star power among average Americans she is eclipsing Barack Obama’s celebrity spotlight. Women want change, and Sarah is the majority’s voice. In new polls out last Monday, 58% of voters view Palin favorably, which is up from 52% less than a week ago. Even more surprising that Monday morning is the fact that Obama and John McCain are each viewed favorably by 57% of voters, but Palin is viewed favorably by 58%, which is better than both Presidential candidates. Joe Biden is viewed favorably by 48%.
Not surprisingly, fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans believe that most biased reporters are trying to hurt Palin’s campaign. Martin Luther King, Jr. said correctly, don’t judge a person by the color of their skin, or gender, but by the content of their character. Palin doesn’t have associations with criminals, America hating racists, or terrorists, but Obama does. Palin has family issues that are shared by most of America, and she’s managing those issues effectively, which is more than most of us can hope for. Sarah Palin is an American like us, not like the Washington Belt Way elites with no new ideas.
The Palin Vice President pick has also improved perceptions of John McCain. A week ago, just before he introduced his running mate, just 42% of Republicans had a Very Favorable opinion of their party’s nominee. That figure jumped to 54% by this Friday morning. Among unaffiliated voters, favorable opinions of McCain have increased by eleven percentage points in a week-from 54% before the Palin announcement to 65% today.
It seems everyone, including Obama, are comparing Obama and Palin’s experience to be President, when she is only running as the Vice Presidential candidate, and he is running for the Presidential spot. It seems, McCain has risen above both as most qualified, and Palin has captured more attention from those in America who want her brand of change.
Obama is still generating his own buzz, but it is too serious with his associations with America haters, racists, federal criminals, and terrorists. Sarah has family drama, and that’s bread and butter scandal for the bias News Media. Americans understand family drama, which is why Sarah is now more favorable than Barack.
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