I hate all politicians, it is usually not good to generalize about people but politicians all scheme to do things against the will of the people. From America to Malaysia no matter where the politicians are from they are all the same living scum. Below is a Youtube video of U.S. Congressman Barney Frank admitting that the Democrat's "public option" is a Trojan horse for single-payer socialize system. This candid gotcha moment come to us via Red County, courtesy of the leftist group "Single Payer Action." This video show why politicians almost always poll as the most hated and least trust segment of society by Americans. He admit they are trying to do something underhandedly, something HUGE.
The video also proves that President Obama's statement made on June 15 and again on July 30th, that "nobody is talking about some government takeover of health-care," is a "big, fat whopper." I knew this from the start but it is nice to have video evidence exposing the big lie. The single-payer system of health care in the United States would essentially be a Federal government takeover of American health care. And as Barney Frank admitted in the video, the Obamacare is that Trojan horse to take America there. Chip Hanlon at Red County report:
So, apparently the folks at a group called Single Payer Action are devoted to the idea of instituting a Canadian-style, single-payer system of health care in the United States. According to their website, they'll simply never compromise on the issue.Little do they realize, however, they probably just did more to kill the President's healthcare scheme than any of us could have dreamed of.
See, to them a person like Barney Frank leans unacceptably to the right on how to handle a healthcare takeover. Barney wants a single payer system, of course, he just doesn't believe it's politically viable at the moment.
And that's the damaging truth he reveals in the short video below, that the "public option" Democrats are fighting so hard for is really a trojan horse.
Why can't politicians just be honest on single payer nationalize health care? Oh yeah thats right, the people are totally against it. President Barack Obama told the American people on June 15th:
Obama need to tell his allies in Congress like Rep. Barney Frank to stop contradicting him on camera. Here is Rep. Barney Frank (D-NY) talking to Single Payer Action on July 27:What are not legitimate concerns are those being put forward claiming a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system. … So, when you hear the naysayers claim that I’m trying to bring about government-run health care, know this - they are not telling the truth.
So, who is telling the truth? Frank or Obama? Someone is not being honest with the American people. Although I hate to say it but I think Barney Frank is the honest one here.
Remember what single payer medicine means: government is, by definition, the single and only entity that pays for medical care. All physicians, hospitals and providers of medical care would essentially work for the government, and be accountable to government. All patients would have to use the government system of health care. Most people call this nationalize health care. If you want a certain type of medical care, just hope it's in the interest of the bureaucrat who has the power to make that decision. Because it will not be your decision. If you think fighting with an insurance company for a certain type of medical care is fun and enjoyable, you are going to love fighting with the Federal Government of the United States.
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