Actor Jude Law is an idiot of legendary and historic proportions. He got fucked by a known celebrity chaser slut groupie and aspiring gold digger. Now, the ongoing case of Jude Law and his new baby-momma is getting more bizarre. Since Samantha Burke scored some cheap fame by getting knocked up, she has been turned down for follow-up interviews by every supermarket tabloid. Her self-serving adverts on Craigslist are getting blocked by the site. What else is an attention fame-whore to do? Camwhore some attention! This time last year she was dishing up chicken at a Hooters in Florida. If all goes to plan and she deliver the baby, by next Summer she will be lounging poolside in Beverly Hills.
And all it required was a rich idiot who opted not to put on protect or one tampered-with Trojan. Jude was whining about the divorce from his ex cost him a fortune, now the idiote is stuck with another dependant hit to his pocket book. Most male celebrities are fully aware of the "master plan" of the celebrity chaser sluts running around Hollywood but Jude Law must have not receive the memo. I think we can safely assume the baby belong to him because celebrity chaser sluts like Samantha tend to plan these things well, they have only on shot at it before their cover is blown. And Law's unwanted baby momma is without a doubt proud of the little bastard growing inside her. Preggo camwhoring pictures were found of Samantha Burke showing off Jude Law one night stand mistake on her Photobucket page.
So, she is milking this for all its worth even before the big checks start flowing. The camwhore gallery features Samantha in an off the rack range of lingerie and bikinis, and serves as a journal on the growth of her cash-cow fetus. For years before Jude got entangled with this girl, she had boasted to girlfriends how she'd tried the same ploy with a series of male celebrities including Jeremy Piven, Tyson Beckford, and Stewart Bradley from the Philadelphia Eagles. And her friends tell reporters there were quite a few more. So, Jude Law is the idiot that walked into her trap...LOL
Samantha had the hindsight to document for the media her progressively expanding baby bump from when Jude's sperm first seeded her egg until recently when that seed became a full on living fetus in her womb. Jude Law had a one-night fling with the aspiring Florida actress/model, and is now expecting to be a father for the fourth time. Ms Burke, who is due within a few months has said that Law is the baby's father. While Jude Law isn’t denying that he could be the father, he wants DNA testing to be sure before he takes on the commitment.
Now, Samantha Burke is trying to downplay her mother's recent remark that the actor "didn't want" the baby. Lea Burke, was quoted in a London paper as saying the actor "didn't want the baby" and that Samantha was "terrified" to reveal she was knocked up by Jude Law. I say, Jude should own up to his mistake and stop asking for an abortion. Sure at lets say $25,000 per month for 18 years this whole thing will cost him over $5 million. But he should have thought about that before he shot his load in the celebrity chaser groupie slut. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Jude Law (born December 29, 1972 in Lewisham, London, England) is an English actor, film producer and director.
He began acting with the National Youth Music Theatre in 1987, and had his first television role in 1989. After starring in films directed by Andrew Niccol, Clint Eastwood and David Cronenberg, he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1999 for his performance in Anthony Minghella's The Talented Mr. Ripley. In 2000 he won a BAFTA Award as "Best Supporting Actor" for his work in the film. In 2003, he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in another Minghella film, Cold Mountain.
He is on the Top Ten List from the 2006 A-list of the most bankable movie stars in Hollywood. In 2007, he received an Honorary César and he was honoured with the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres conferred by the French government; he was named a "Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres".
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