Warning, this is insane, scroll down at your own risk. This is the wildest thing ever! Its just freaking crazy. When this kid was born the doctor and nurses in the room must have freaked out.

Chinese baby born with back penis. Baby with penis on back photos and story below. China had to operate for six hours to remove a penis off of a baby's back. Yes thats right, a baby in central China was born with a second penis growing out of his back! I totally thought that it was fake but it turned out to be true. Poor little guy.

The tot was born to farmer dad Li Jun, 30, and his unnamed wife, who live in Hejian city in central China's Henan province.
But he was rushed to Tianjin Childrens' Hospital on May 27 for surgery to remove his extra manhood.
The rare condition, the first for Tianjin Childrens' Hospital, is called fetus in fetu (FIF).
Doctors, who spent over three hours removing the extra penis on June 6, said he was fine following surgery.
Below are some of the phases people are searching for to see the above picture.
Baby, Baby Back Penis Photos, Baby Back Penis Pictures, Baby Born With Penis On Back, Baby Born With Second Penis, Baby Born With Second Penis On Back, Baby Boy Born With Penis On Back, Baby Boy Born With Second Penis, Baby Boy Born With Second Penis On Back, Baby Penis, Baby Penis Back China, Baby Second Penis, Baby With Penis On Back, Baby With Second Penis, China Baby Penis Back, China Baby Second Penis, China Baby Two Penises, Extra Manhood, Extra Penis, Li Jun, Penis, Penis On Back, Second Penis, Living News
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