It's been a while since that whole Elliot Spitzer hooker scandal broke, but when Spitzer's $4,000 an hour call girl, Ashley Alexandra Dupre wears a bikini, well, that's news boys and girls. Ashley and her mother, yes, that's her mother, 46-year-old Carolyn Capalbo (how much for the MILF?) were spotted at Sea Girt Beach in N. J. (fancy!), Sunday, by The New York Daily News, and generally looked pretty damn good. $4,000 an hour good? I don't think so. Maybe if it was a two-for-one deal. The governor still over paid but at least he got a tight body for his money. If he got both her and her mom at the same time though, that probably would have been worth her hourly rate. Who the Hell is going to pay that much for a whore with tattoos everywhere, throw in her mom and you might have something. Dumb bitch does not realize that the tattoos are lowering her rates. And you know the Mother will fuck for money too, where you think the daughter got her whoring ways from? Click on pictures to enlarge.

Showing off the curves that wiped out former Gov. Eliot Spitzer's career, happy hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre beat the heat Sunday by hitting the beach in New Jersey.
The 23-year-old brunette and her youthful-looking mother turned heads as they relaxed on Sea Girt's beach, tanning in their string bikinis.
"That's her!" one passing beachgoer whispered as Dupre paused at the beach badge stand to buy a $7 daily pass.
Stretching out on two large white towels, the mother and daughter lounged in the sun.
Wading knee-high in the surf, Dupre's butterfly tattoo was clearly visible below her belly button with the Latin phrase tutela valui.
"She was here [Saturday] and last weekend. She seems nice," said a girl selling badges.
Dupre and her mother, Carolyn Capalbo, 46, wore matching Gucci sunglasses and silver hoop earrings.
After baking in the sun for four hours, the pair left the beach and walked to the popular Parker House pub, where they sat at a table on the porch and ordered drinks.
When approached by a reporter, Dupre smiled politely, but refused to answer questions.
Born Ashley Youmans, Dupre grew up in nearby Belmar, dropped out of high school and ran away from home at 17.
She was exposed in March as a $4,000-a-night call girl for Emperors Club VIP, with Spitzer as Client No. 9.
Dupre, a wanna-be pop singer, has tried hard to stay out of the limelight since the Spitzer scandal erupted, but a Parker House regular said she's been hiding in plain sight.
"She comes in here with her mom for happy hour," the patron said.
Over the weekend, The Daily News published these beach photos of Ashley Alexandra Dupré, better known as the prostitute at the center of the downfall of Gov. Eliot Spitzer (a k a Client 9).
The pictures reminded us that Ms. Dupré apparently has a tattoo below her belly button that reads “tutela valui,” which most people agreed seemed to be some form of Latin. The meaning of the phrase has been a matter of considerable blogospheric debate , much of it dating to March.
To get the Latin scholar perspective, City Room decided to call over to local universities’ classics departments. First we sent an e-mail message to New York University (since no one picked up the phone; although, the spring semester is over). At Columbia University, a telephone call was answered by Eric Ensley, a graduate student.
This City Room reporter explained that we needed a translation of a Latin phrase, and spelled out the words: T-U-T-E-L-A V-A-L-U-I
“Tutela?” Mr. Ensley said. “That’s weird.”
It’s not real Latin, is it? City Room asked.
“No, it’s not. Where are you pulling this from?”
It’s a tattoo.
“Oh, these are fun. I have a professor who told us once that if we ever want a tattoo in Latin, to run it by him first because there have been so many grammatical errors,” he said. (Wayward tattoos are inscribed in other languages besides Latin)
He put us on hold and went to look up the phrase in some database. After a few minutes he returned to say it didn’t score any hits and continued.
“‘Tutela’ is a ‘custodian, safeguard, defense’ — something like that,” he said. “It can mean a lot of things. ‘Protection’ is a good translation. ‘Valui’ means ‘I was strong,’ literally. This is the exact translation I can give you, ‘I was strong by means of a keeper, by means of safety.’”
He explained, the thing with Latin is a word-poor language. In comparison with English, which has some 500,000 words, in Latin there are only 30,000 words, which means that each word can be a lot of different things.
Meanwhile, N.Y.U. called us back. City Room’s query had set the department abuzz, said Nancy Smith-Amer, an administrative assistant. “I have something for you they seem to have all agreed to: ‘I fared well by protection.’”
We finally told Mr. Ensley, at Columbia, whose tattoo he was translating.
“Oh, God,” he said. “I guess on some weird level, if you wanted to translate it into some modern sense of the word, You could say, ‘I used protection.’”
Dupré spent her early childhood in Beachwood, New Jersey, a borough near the Jersey Shore. Her father, William Youmans, owned a landscaping business and also worked as a salesman of surfing accessories. When her parents divorced, Dupré moved to Wall Township, New Jersey with her mother, Carolyn Capalbo, and her mother's new husband, Mike DiPietro, an oral surgeon. There she attended Old Mill (elementary) School and Wall High School until her sophomore year, when she moved to Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, to live with her father.
On her MySpace page, Dupré described leaving home at age 17 to escape a broken family and abuse, but her aunt, Barbara Youmans of Seaside Heights, disputed the suggestion that Dupré had a difficult childhood. "She never had a bad life when she was growing up. She had the best of everything: bicycles, clothing, O'Neill surf boards. ... She was always dressed to kill and got everything she wanted."
In 2004, at the age of 19, Dupré moved to New York City in pursuit of a music career, and worked as a waitress at a dance club called Viscaya in the Chelsea district of Manhattan. She also worked at the clubs Pink Elephant and Retox. Jason Itzler, who ran a New York escort service called NY Confidential from 2003 to 2005, met Dupré while she was working as a cocktail waitress at the Hotel Gansevoort in 2004. Dupré began working for him on the side, using the alias Victoria. NY Confidential was shut down and Itzler sent to prison by Spitzer's New York State Attorney General's office in 2005. Dupré subsequently worked for NY Confidential's former CFO, who had opened Velvet Traces in Brooklyn.
Acquaintances stated that Dupre had expensive tastes, including Cartier and Louis Vuitton consumer goods and trips to Saint-Tropez, France. The sources also stated that several of her tattoos, in Latin and Arabic, were mantras to help keep her clean—including "What does not destroy me makes me stronger," "Protect your own," and "Never give up." None admitted suspecting that she was a sex worker, believing her statements that the cash for her lifestyle came from her wealthy parents.
In 2006, Dupré changed her legal name from Youmans to her stepfather's name of DiPietro, stating that she regarded him as "the only father I have known." In the same year, according to the New York Post, she answered an ad from the escort agency Emperors Club VIP, and began working for them under the alias Kristen. By 2008, Dupré was living in a ninth-floor apartment in the Flatiron District of Manhattan. According to a telephone interview with The New York Times, she was concerned about her ability to pay her rent after the man she was living with left following her discovery that he had fathered two children.
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