I hope the "Worm" is ready to write another big fat check for his wild behavior. Dennis Rodman is in trouble with the law again, this time for allegedly smacking the ass of a female bar hopper.
The Orange County Sheriff's Department is investigating the incident, which allegedly took place at Hennessy's Tavern in Dana Point, near Laguna Beach. One source says the ex-basketball star allegedly slapped the woman's rear so hard, it left a "major mark."
Jim Amormino, a spokesperson for the O.C. Sheriff, told reporters, "Officers did respond to an incident involving a man and a woman. A police report was taken, and is currently with the sex crime unit of the Sheriff's department."
On January 15, 1997, Rodman was involved in an incident during a game against the Minnesota Timberwolves. After tripping over cameraman Eugene Amos, Rodman kicked Amos in the groin. Though he was not assessed a technical foul at the time, Rodman ultimately paid Amos a $200,000 settlement, and the league suspended Rodman for 11 games.
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