Hot on the heels of the Naked Photo Scandal, there’s all sorts of speculation today about the existence of a Vanessa Hudgens sex tape. it just gets better and better with Vanessa Hudgens, doesn’t it? Now there are whisperings of a sex tape. Rumors are, those hot photos we saw last week, are actually stills from a short video shot for Drake Bell.
Hate to do this but and burst your bubble but it’s its not true. The original rumors appeared on a satirical news site, so it is a fake story:
Vanessa Hudgens Homemade Sex Video Surfaces on Internet
Vanessa Hudgens has more to apologize for than a few perky-breasted but otherwise virginal nude photos currently starring as the screen savers du jour of sticky-fingered Internet types, young and old, across the United States.
The photos, it seems, were only the tit of the iceberg. Bed-headed geeks and freaks with dodgy skin and prophylactics over their keyboards will be chuffed to learn that the risqué snapper shots of Ms. Hudgens, the perky-breasted, eighteen-year-old star of High School Musical, are actually stills from an autoerotic sex-video she made for Nickelodeon star Drake Bell two years ago.
According to THEM Weekly, Ms. Hudgens’ sex video, coyly entitled Open Me First, was made “as a gag Christmas gift” and emailed to Mr. Bell, who denies ever seeing it.
“Drake never opened the video—first, last, or otherwise,” said a representative. “He learned his lesson about opening email attachments, even from people he knows intimately.”
Those who have opened Open Me First—forty-five seconds' worth of footage apparently filmed with a cell phone camera—were treated to a nude Ms. Hudgens sitting spread-eagled in front of a Christmas tree. She is wearing a Santa hat, Christmas gift tags about the size of silver dollars for pasties, and a red, mistletoe-decorated thong.
While Zamfir’s version of “You’re All I Want for Christmas” plays in the background, Ms. Hudgens removes the pasties from her perky breasts and smiles alluringly into the camera.
Next she takes off the thong and waves it seductively. Then, removing the Santa hat and slipping her right hand into it, she whispers, “I want Santa to come up my chimney because I’ve been a good little girl this year.”
A Naked Vanessa Anne Hudgens
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