There are a number of internet postings pertaining to J-14 that are erroneous. J-14 NEVER reported Miley Cyrus is pregnant. Someone doctored the online article. Just the online article that appeared on page 16 of J-14 July 2007 issue. Miley is an intelligent, respectable role model for young girls, and we at J-14 pride ourselves on presenting our readers with credible stories and information. This story is completely fabricated!It was reported earlier that the monthly teen magazine is running a story that confirms Miley Cyrus, the 15 year old daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus and the star of the Disney channel hit, Hannah Montana, is pregnant. The magazine says:
Yes, sadly it's true. Miley herself confirmed the pregnancy rumors during a J-14 interview. 'I'm going to take good care of my baby. I've already gained 7 pounds. I was in real shock when it happened accidentally. I went a little too far. I'm sorry to all of my fans'," the magazine photo reports Miley as saying. "While Miley is still planning on going on tour for her new solo cd, she's currently filming the series finale of 'Hannah Montana'. Even though she's keeping hush about who's the father. Miley's parents are very disappointed in her: 'Whatever's meant to happen will happen. I guess it was meant to be this way."

You know why this story seem so believable? Just look at the track record of Disney's other young starlets. Young stars like Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Vanessa Hudgens are the norm now from Disney. So people just believe every false rumor about a a new Disney girl like Miley Cyrus.
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