Indonesian bad girl Sarah Azhari is at it again. But this time she is not taking a topless shower with her younger sister Rahma Azhari. But we do get to see her nipples again thanks to a nipple slip. She is seen below having a braless nipple slipping wardrobe malfunction onstage because she insist om dressing like a true skank. Looking a bit more chubby than when we last saw her in those almost incestuous leaked pictures with her and her sister naked sharing a shower. She is reportedly a nymphomaniac who has had a lot of sex with others in the Indonesian celebrity scene. Nothing wrong with that as long as she gets what she want I guess. On her blog she says that she is very interested in "dating Men, having relationships with men, friends, and activity partners." What kinds of activities is she talking about? She is willing to pose topless with her sis to entertain some guy friends so this freak is game for anything. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Sarah Azhari (born June 16, 1978 in Jakarta, Indonesia) is an Indonesian singer, model and actress. She was named the most beautiful Indonesian woman in 2005 by annual Global Sex Survey 2005 of a well-known local brand, which may make her older sister, Rahma Azhari (also known as Ayu Azhari), jealous. She is one of eight siblings of celebrities' from the Azhari family, the family is known for full sensation and controversy.Her filmography includes starring acting roles in “Daun di Atas Bantal” and “Lupus Millenia” in the late 1990’s. Most of her roles are on television in soap operas. As a result of a temper tantrum, she was convicted of throwing an ashtray and stomping on the foot of a news reporter in Jakarta on 12th July 2005. She was sentenced to four months prison although she never served her time because of privilege.
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