Here is Victoria's Secret model Shannan Click in some non-Victoria's Secret lingerie pictures because I don't think VS sells nakedness. I know it's up to each woman to decide what to do with her pubic hair. But this look is just not doing it for me. Her mound looks so pathetic and sad. I long for a return to the days where at least some bush or a more natural look was expected. Or a world with professional groomers to prevent chicks from making tragic pubic mistakes. Adolf Hitler could have done a better job on the shave job than Shannan did. But Ms. Click does show some slit so she does deserve an award for that brave move. You don't get a lot of shots of slits from non-pornstar models like a Victoria's Secret girl.
Anyway, not sure what publication these are for and why Shannan Click is getting all kinds of naked for some photo shoot at a house. Hopefully it is not a leaked job from an ex-boyfriend. It is an unknown photo shoot probably before she made it really big. And undoubtedly she is at the photographer's home and he was banging her between each shot. That is how my photoshoots go at my house, models be warn. This isn't really like the photoshoot she did at my house at all where I had her wandered around naked only wearing a blindfold. But who care where they are from because surely everyone is too busy looking at her snatch. Enjoy! Click on pictures to enlarge.

Shannan Click (born 1983 in San Dimas, California, U.S.A.) is an American model. She has appeared in a variety of international editions of Vogue and the 2008 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.
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