Here are some new bikini pictures of Bar Refaeli from Victoria's Secret swimsuit photoshoot, and as always she looks fucking fantastic. But I think she think she is better than everyone else and should be giving special treatment because she is a beautiful celebrity. She has been slammed by fellow Israeli supermodel Esti Ginzburg over her decision to dodge compulsory national service. Also, the 24 year-old was previously criticized by a retired general for her reluctance to serve and be drafted into the Israel Defense Forces.
And now, the former girlfriend of Leonardo DiCaprio has evoked fury from 19 year-old Ginzburg who believes the conscription was her duty. "In order to contribute and help, in order to be part of the state, enlisting is a duty, not a choice," said Ginzburg. "There are a million things I don't feel like doing, but I do them because I have to. Military service is part of the things I believe in, the values I was raised on," she added. Bar Refaeli must be the hottest draft dodger ever but I personal would love to see her in those sexy outfits the Israeli military give their female soldiers.
Last year Refaeli had told a US magazine: "I really wanted to serve in the IDF, but I don’t regret not enlisting, because it paid off big time. That's just the way it is; celebrities have other needs." Now I don't know about you but when she said "celebrities have other needs" she totally lost me. She seem like a total bitch when she said that but what would you expect from a chick that bang Leonardo DiCaprio. They need to put her in a tiny bikini and throw her ass on the front-line. Anyway, enjoy Bar Rafaeli showing off her awesome fucking body for the Victoria Secret catalog. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Bar Refaeli (Hebrew: בר רפאלי, born June 4, 1985 in Isreal) is an Israeli model, known for her modeling work and for her relationship with actor Leonardo DiCaprio.
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