In the history of the USA, no President has ever had as much Secret Service as Obama and no other President has been so close to someone who could have tried to kill him in the White House. Someone high up at the Secret Service need to resign over this lapse of security. No matter what you think of Obama, he is our President and he must be protected with the best security in the world. Seemingly, a damn rock concert has better security for rock stars then the White House has for the President. This could have been a national disaster.

On September 9, 2001, two days before the September 11 attacks on the United States, Ahmad Shah Massoud was assassinated in Takhar Province of Afghanistan by an al-Qaeda assassination team posing as reporters. Massoud was the leader of the Northern Allince, and he was killed by al-Qaeda to get the good graces from the Taliban in preparation for the retaliation of America. The Taliban had tired to kill Massoud for nearly 20 years but failed. But where they failed, al-Qaeda succeed. And the point of this story is al-Qaeda has covert assassination teams and they are very good at what they do.
So when two aspiring reality TV stars for the upcoming installment of The Real Housewives attended the White House's state dinner Tuesday night without an invitation and without Secret Service verification, we have a problem. Reality show couple Michaele Salahi and Tareq Salahi set out on a real adventure when they crashed the White House State Dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
The couple are well known among the Virginia Horse country Polo-playing socialite set and got an audition for The Real Housewives of DC after telling producers they were on the White House guest list for the biggest event of the year. The reality show is set to air in 2010. Michaele is a former model and claim she was a Washington Redskins cheerleader. He is president of America’s Polo Cup and owner of Oasis Winery.
Michaele Salahi proudly displayed photos from the swanky affair on her Facebook Just Fans page. The pictures feature the couple posing with the likes of Vice President Joe Biden, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty, CBS anchor Katie Couric, Rep. Ed Royce, Marine's in their dress blues, Arun K. Singh, Indian Ambassador to U.S. and Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo Chairman and CEO.
Tareq and Michaele posted a pic on their joint Facebook of Michaele mingling with Vice President Joe Biden among other photos, but a White House official told the Washington Post that the couple was not invited to the dinner and were never seated at a table in the South Lawn tent.
The couple wrote a Facebook post about the VIP evening, reading, "Honored to have attended the state dinner at the White House in honor of India with President Obama and our First Lady. INDIA & the USA will challenege each other for the first time on the DC National Mall in June 2010 in what will be another proud and historic moment. XO MICHAELE"
The publicist for Tareq and Michaele denied that the two crashed the dinner, sending a statement to the Post that read, "The Salahis were honored to be a part of such a prestigious event."
The lastest Facebook post about the evening reads,"I was honored to be invited to attend the First State Dinner hosted by President Obama & the First Lady to honor India. In June 2010, the America's Polo Cup will be between INDIA & the UNITED STATES. Please join me in this cultural celebration of politics, diplomacy, fashion, sports, entertainment & family fun."
The newspaper contacted the couple via Facebook and asked how they were able to attend the state dinner. Tareq responded, "India is the challenger in the America's Polo Cup World Championship ..., and they are very excited in this first ever cultural connection between being hosted on the DC National Mall since Polo is one of the primary sports in India."
According to Secret Service Agency spokesman Ed Donovan, the Office of Professional Responsibility is looking into how the couple got past a checkpoint that would have verified they were on the list of 300 invited guests.
Donovan was quick to point out that the couple had to pass through the same weapon's checkpoint as the invited guests. He said the breach, though embarrassing, never put President Barack Obama at risk. But I think he was in danger because we are in the midst of two wars, in the age of chemical and biological weapons. The couple premeditated this and managed to get by the Secret Service. And if they could do it then the terrorist could also do it. Hopefully this will be a wake up call... Click on pictures to enlarge.

A Bonus From Another Event:
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