Take the Polls, who would you rather bang? See the many photos below before you vote. Surely many of you out there have heard about the girl catfight between two beautiful and totally fuckable Singaporean bloggers, Dawn Yang and Xiaxue. It all started when the media started to compare the two, and one of them stood up saying that she is better than the other and the other said I am prettier. Or something like that, I can't keep up with shit like this... The gets a lot of Singaporean visitors so I want to get an opinion on this nasty feud. Vote in the Polls! I will not take sides or anything in this battle, well not yet at least. And that is because I am not sure about shit yet so I will be neutral. Only thing I am sure about is that these two ladies would be great co-staring with me in a threesome sex tape. TAKE THE POLLS, VOTE! Click on pictures to enlarge.

I think they were friendly until a Chinese newspaper started to compare them. Then the fight between Dawn Yang and Xiaxue begins. And its a take no prisoner war.
They were going at it for a while now and things just kept heating up. It was even brought to the point where Dawn Yang said she was thinking about making a lawsuit against Xiaxue, because of defamation that Xiaxue caused to her.
Some of the post have been taken down from their websites because they are both in Singapore where free speech can be killed by lawyers. Its times like this when I am glad I am in America where I can say any crazy shit I want. For example, I would love to see these two lovely ladies share a snowball back and forth while looking me in the eyes. And by snowball I do not mean a ball of ice.
Singaporean bloggers are all taking sides and adding their two cent to the matter and some Malaysian bloggers too. Its amazing to see how much this thing has blown up into a big deal. Damn cathfights are hot, I like women with passion and some fire in the belly.
I have 15 polls in the side panel to the left asking questions I think most guys are interesting in and that will help to end the war.
Followings are the excerpt of their final quarrel where both of them agreed not to bring the matter further. First from Xiaxue…
"Hello ya all!
As you may, or not may not, have noticed, I’ve decided to delete all Dawn-related entries.
This thing has been implicating too many other people (such as Arissa and Royston and etc etc)… this is my main reason.
Reason 2 is that I guess Dawn is in enough shit as it is. I may dislike her (online persona), but I don’t have a bloody heart of stone. I’ve been lectured by people (irl), and I guess I don’t have to be so… relentless. I feel a bit bad. I was very annoyed by Noel when I wrote the 3rd entry, I guess.
Reason 3 is that I don’t want to face a potential lawsuit. I don’t have the time for this. Blah blah blah be brave fight her etc… You go and fight la! It’s not you, of course easy for you to say. Lao niang got no money lor! Right now my bank got about 3k, hire semi LJ lawyer!? I mean, of course Dawn could still be going ahead with it la, but there’s nothing I can do about that now. If I become bankrupt Wongsie told me that I cannot go JB (or overseas for that matter)… Have to apply for permit coz they will be scared that I flee the country!
Oh god suddenly had an image of myself giving away my prized possessions such as my sidekick, computer, accessories drawer, fluffy pink puff balls etc all to cackling men in suits.
So yup. Good for you if you’ve seen them, too bad if you didn’t. Maybe you ought to read my blog like every 2 hours!
And I don’t care if you think I’m contradicting myself or that you think I’m being cowardly. Sometimes, people have to do the things they don’t wish to do."
and here is Dawn Yang’s reply to it…
"About the lawsuit,
I have accepted Xiaxue’s apology. She has since removed the offensive post yesterday.
Some of her rabid fans have belittled me for wanting to sue her. Some still insist I’m a liar and hiding behind the law.
That is plain ridiculous. Is the law not there for us to seek our grieviances, uphold justice and truth?
If someone arrested you for a crime you did not commit and broadcast it to the whole world, are you just going to sit there and happily accept it, or you going to fight and bring your case to court?
Xiaxue herself wanted to sue her hate site owner XiaLanXue some years before. So she can sue but I cannot?
In Xiaxue’s blog entry, she made many extremely malicious and defamatory statements about me. They were completely FALSE and exposed me to potential ridicule or contempt. The defamations were also harmful to my reputations as a person and blogger.
Her blog is not some unknown cyberspace journal, it is a site with a high viewership, my management and I felt that we simply could not take it lying down.
The 6 points in question which she outlined in her apology are all UNTRUE and she either passed them off as fact (e.g. expressively calling me a liar repeatedly) or implied them to be factual.
If she had the guns to write all that, why not stick to it?
I had no qualms in filing a lawsuit, because I am very certain if and when she has to prove that her statements are true in court, she would fail to do so.
The facts would be easily verifiable - for example, ask Mediacorp Radio personnel like Mark or Bernard whether they offered me a DJ position (which they did), examine whether I have boob implants and armpit scars etc etc.
Then, once shown that she was wrong in writing such false statements, she or her management would not only have to pay her own legal fees, but those of my proceedings as well.
But maybe she can well afford to waste all that money since she is such a high-and-mighty blogger who loves to say her advertorials are so-very-expensive.
Then again, I think she would prefer to spend that money on her nails and pink Juicy Couture.
So anyway, the case is closed now, and I really do NOT want to be involved in any more supposed “cyber-wars” or what not, I dislike conflict, and I’d very much prefer to stay away from such things.
So for heavens sake, I have always left her alone, never said a bad thing about her, why could she not do the same?
Does she really need more traffic to her website?
Personally, I am rather saddened by all of this. In the start, we were casual friends seeing each other here and there, and I thought we could have got along great if given the chance to hang out more. She was nice to me. Pity. And imagine, 2 big bloggers going out together, what fun that could have been!
I’ve treated her with nothing but friendliness and respect, online and in person, as she herself attested to on her blog. I continued doing so even after the spiteful incident where she posted pictures of herself gleefully throwing away the “Mandarin Cool” campaign postcards with me on them.
hat was the start of when people started warning me that Miss Cheng was likely to be viewing me as her competition, and I should be careful. This, given her endless track record of flaming others.
Oh and from what I read online - setting up hate blogs for other bloggers (e.g blinkymummy), under fake pseudonyms.
Hmmm. Makes me wonder about the origins of my hate site. Seems a little similar.
Well, I sincerely hope Xiaxue can learn to take this “competition” thing in a more friendly, healthy, graceful way.
I have never asked to be compared with her. If she was so unhappy about that, please rant to THE MEDIA and THE PEOPLE WHO COMPARED US. Not take it out on me.Btw, may I add, while Zao Bao may have called me the school belle, but they called her the class prefect, which is a good position. Why is she upset? In her blog post, she added in the word “ugly” prefect herself and complained.
And more on looks, in the very same post that slams me for being a mere pretty-face, she contradicts herself by trying to prove to everyone that she is prettier than me with pictures and polls, and talking about who gets magazine covers? Huh??
People have criticized me for being a lousy writer compared to her, yes ouch! But I don’t see the need to go on a mad rampage to prove I am a better writer do I?
If she is so secure in her abilities, then why does she keep having to proclaim that she is awesome, that she is talented and smart etc etc.?
Calls me a desperate wannabe and scoffs at me accepting free products from LG, when she herself states in her blog:
“Do invite me events as media, to and if I like it I will blog it! Shower me with the latest products and invite me to the greatest parties!!”
Anyway what I want to say is, we may undeniably have a few similarities, but we have differing blog styles and cater to different audiences, although there are many who are fans of both as well. She has carved out a niche for herself, and likewise I have for myself.
Everyone should learn to accept that.
Thus, why get bothered by comparisons? Just ignore them and keep on doing what you do best, is what I have always believed.
So, please… peace."
Whatever it is.. it’s good to have a fair and healthy competition and free speech?
Unfortunately, the latest juicy post by XiaXue about Dawn Yang was removed from her blog due to lawsuit being set by Dawn Yang's manager, see here for yourself. Fortunately, Dawn WaYang is so kind to post it into her blog for you all to read here.
Dawn Yang verse XiaXue...... Dawn Yang who is a cutie who had appeared on the cover of men magazines of FHM and Maxim and claims to be an innocent Christian girl who party a few nights a week and admit to the public that Edison Chen had woo-ed her through MSN Messenger.
Or XiaXue, another Asian cutie, who is Singapore's most influential blogger who pours out her honesty about her life and success and doesn't afraid of being herself.
An article in 爆米花 (which is some section in a Chinese newspaper) compared Xiaxue and Dawn Yang as famous Singaporean bloggers.
Apparently, Xiaxue thinks that Dawn Yang should not really be considered a blogger as she thinks that all Dawn does on her blog is cam whoring without any meaningful content. Also Xiaxue states that she dislikes Dawn Yang because, as many sources claim, Dawn has lied about many things on her blog, including her heritage, plastic surgery, etc etc.
Xiaxue proceeds to post her opinion of Dawn on her own blog, and is then smacked in the face with a lawsuit threat, because she is apparently spreading lies about Dawn and ruining her reputation. Or whatever.
It ends off with Xiaxue having to remove her first post regarding Dawn, and then deleting all posts regarding Dawn after that to not implicate more people, and to avoid the lawsuit.
Here are photos of the two together in friendlier days.

XiaXue photos

Dawn Yang photos

Vote in the polls now.
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