A Hong Kong Air stewardess with the first name of Joan is the recent hot topic in the blogosphere because nude photos of her were leaked online. A total of 120 photos of Joan has been posted online by someone who goes by the name "aiotianxin". Probably an ex-boyfriend, “aiotianxin” setup an album at recently and posted a total of 120 photos of Joan, a Hong Kong flight attendant who become the recent hot topic in Hong Kong when her nude photos were leaked online in early July. has apparently removed the user “aiotainxin” from its site. They did so before the could get all 120 pics. Someone please send the complete 120 pic set to The pictures below show Joan in a bathroom taking pictures of herself in the mirror. Some pictures also show her on vacation with an unknown female friend. It seems they went on vacation to Taiwan abroad a Hong Kong Air plane. Included in the set of photos is one of Joan in her stewardess uniform.
Many new signup under the nickname “aiotainxin” start appearing across blog services powered by Blogger, X-Space and by Discuz! after the photos were leaked. The came across this story weeks ago. But I decided not to post the photos because Joan was not a public figure, just a stewardess/flight attendant. Things have changed now with the rapid spread of her naked leaked pictures across the Internet. Click on pictures to enlarge.

I hope they didn't fire her over these photos because it was meant to be private but some asshole she trusted leaked them in the Internet. That was one big reason I did not want to post them and sat on them for a month. These photos are getting so wide spread online I think if they were going to fire her over these pictures the bosses at Hong Kong Air would have done it already.
And I wish a few nude pictures of her friend were included in the set but no luck, the friend is a cutie too. If you have more pictures posted by aiotainxin of the Joan leaked set please to them to so I can put them up from everyone to view. Wouldn't it be great if some lesbian photos of the two got leaked? Even a lesbo sex tape could be out there, but they seem to just be friends.
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