Shia LaBeouf was arrested for DUI around 2:30 am Sunday morning in Los Angeles. Shia made an illegal left turn with his Ford F-150 pickup in front of an oncoming car, and the two car collided, causing Shia’s pickup to roll. Officers who responded said Shia showed obvious signs of being drunk. After looking at his wrecked trunk, I must say he is a cool dude. He must have been wasted out of his mind to get his truck on its roof.
The woman in Shia’s car, and the woman driver of the other car, were both treated at the hospital and released with bumps and bruises. Shia hurt his left hand so badly he had to be taken to surgery this morning, so he remains at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. A spokesman for the Sheriff’s department claims another driver ran a red light and hit LaBeouf’s truck.
Since Shia was the only person seriously hurt police decided to charge his with only a misdemeanor DUI rather than a felony DUI.
LaBeouf injured his left hand and was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for surgery, according to Sgt. Kristin Aloma of the sheriff’s West Hollywood station. LaBeouf’s passenger and the other driver, both women, were treated for minor injuries and released from Cedars.
LaBeouf, 22, “was exhibiting obvious signs of intoxication,” Aloma said. He was cited for misdemeanor drunken driving instead of felony drunken driving because the injuries suffered by the others were minor, she explained.
So far drinking has caused Shia to make an embarrassing video where his friend punched him in the face at his request, and to get arrested at a Walgreens in chicago. The mug shot above is from the Walgreens arrest. Shia was also fined for smoking in a no smoking area by police. It looks like he needs some help kicking his legal addictions before he gets into much more serious trouble. Click on pictures to enlarge.

This dude is a danger to society but his COOL factor jumped 100% after seeing the truck upside down. Shia LaBeouf flipped his truck on a city street because he was drunk as hell, but he lives in L.A. and he is an actor, so the police gave him a massage and a pedicure at the scene, but exactly how drunk was he? Um, very. Page Six says:
Moments before he got in a crash Saturday night that ended with him being charged with DUI, "Transformers" star Shia LaBeouf was "pounding shots and acting really crazy" at LA bar Troubadour, spies said. "He was pounding drinks and shots while listening to the band Lemon Sun before he took off," said one....LaBeouf apparently picked up his partying ways from his father. He tells this month's Details he used to drink and smoke with his dad, a former heroin junkie who now lives in LaBeouf's garage. "We would drink together and smoke together, and it's just a bad deal. It's not something that is conducive to being a role model...And I don't know how to do it like a gentleman. I don't know how to have one drink."
Transformers 2 filming has been put on hold while everyone waits for Shia LaBeouf to recover from the injury to his left hand, which required extensive surgery today. It’s a good thing Shia is insured for this type of thing, but that insurance is about to get more expensive with DUI charges pending.
Shia’s publicist released the following statement regarding Shia’s DUI arrest, hospitalization, and surgery:
"Attorneys for Mr. LaBeouf confirm that an automobile accident involving an additional party occurred early morning in Los Angeles on July 27, 2008. Shia is currently recovering from extensive hand surgery with plans to return to work on the set of Transformers 2 within one month. No further comment will be issued at this time."
Lindsay Lohan cannot find work on big films anymore, because her insurance is too expensive after her DUI’s, and other rehab related problems. Shia had better get some help now before he ends up in the same position as Lindsay. Shia is his own worst enemy.
Shia Saide LaBeouf (pronounced /ˈʃaɪə ləˈbʌf/ "SHY-uh luh-BUFF"; born June 11, 1986 in Los Angeles, California) is a Daytime Emmy Award and BAFTA-winning American actor and comedian.
After growing up in California, LaBeouf became known with a starring role in the Disney Channel series Even Stevens. He made the transition to film roles with Holes, a box office success, and supporting roles in Constantine and I, Robot.
Following LaBeouf's lead role in The Greatest Game Ever Played, film producer and director Steven Spielberg cast him in starring roles in the 2007 films Disturbia and Transformers. LaBeouf also worked with Spielberg in 2008's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Eagle Eye. Several media publications have speculated that LaBeouf, whose screen persona was described by Time magazine as that of the "scrappy kid next door", would become a major film star throughout 2008.