Britney Spears knew Lance Bass was gay before the rest of the world, and she never spoke to him again after he came out to her, LOL. Lance Bass tells GQ the night Britney got married to Jason Alexander, she was very upset at what she did. He thought he would make her feel better by telling her something personal about him. She was very shocked and never spoke with him again, even though they’re neighbors.
Lance Bass being Homosexual should not have shocked anyone, the Dude was in N'SYNC. And whats gayer than N'SYNC?”It was the night of her first wedding, actually. I was in Vegas with her, her dancers, her manager, and my boyfriend at the time . . . Her manager had already gotten rid of [her first husband] Jason [Alexander] - they’d flown him home. Britney was upset about what she had done. I felt bad for her. I knew she was about to go through a lot of crap. I felt the need to share something. So I sat her on my bed, and I’m like, Well, I’m gay!” Spears was “surprised. I was always the Southern gentleman.” The two don’t talk anymore. Bass said, “I tried. She’s my neighbor in Beverly Hills. She lives next door. I tried to get in touch with her - I wanted to be that friend to help her.” Also shocked over Bass’s homosexuality was Marc Anthony. “We were boys. We had a good time - before he was married. He was surprised when I came out,”
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