Britney Spears applies for a drivers license at the local DMV. Not having a valid California license was one of the factors that cost the pop star custody of her kids.

Can she try not to dress like a cheap slut for one day? After just losing custody of her sons to a guy that seem like a total bum a year ago, one would think Britney would clean up her act. And i cannot believe the California Department of Motor Vehicles granted her a drivers license, have they seen all the pictures and video of her behind the wheel just within in the last month.

Can she try not to dress like a cheap slut for one day? After just losing custody of her sons to a guy that seem like a total bum a year ago, one would think Britney would clean up her act. And i cannot believe the California Department of Motor Vehicles granted her a drivers license, have they seen all the pictures and video of her behind the wheel just within in the last month.
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