Here is Lindsay Lohan enjoying a cup of coffee and a cigarette at the Betty Ford Center with fellow patients and security staff in Rancho Mirage, California, at the renowned Betty Ford Center. And here are the very first pictures to prove it. As you can see, it is rehab Lindsay-style, meaning slutty clothes, coffee and cigarettes. Not that this should be surprising, but instead of spending her time in rehab concentrating on, oh, I don’t know, recovering from her addictions, Lindsay Lohan has decided to focus on her financial woes, and is staging photo shoots inside the facility so that she can sell the snaps to the highest bidder. Anyway, these pics seem so funny to me. Lets see if she get half the staff at the Betty Ford Center fired for getting used and set up for paparazzi pics by a cokehead actress. Click on pictures to enlarge.

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