Duke super-slut Karen Owen's fuck list, in senior thesis Powerpoint format, ranked 13 "subjects," including pictures, names, and full details of each sexual encounter. In other words, this chick has just admitted to the whole world to being a promiscuous slut…or, whatever the appropriate word is today. The presentation featured a series of detailed account of 13 fellow male Duke students that she bedded. Each detailed outline featured things such as a good physique or their behavior before and after the act, but points were subtracted for smaller packages and bad attitudes. Owen carefully detailed the information and compiled it into a Powerpoint presentation that she presented as a 'senior thesis.' She emailed the report to a few friends. Who emailed it to their friends. Who emailed to theirs. And soon the presentation was posted on the Internet and went viral.
Highlights include her account of leaving some dude's sheets bloody from having period sex and banging a dude in a SUV 5 minutes after banging another dude. Yes, the future is looking bright for this epic slut Karen Owen. Well, not really because no one in their right mind will hire after this incident. And no married woman without a open marriage would want to live in the same zip code as this slut. By the way, here is a photo of the Durham cum dumpster at the center of this university sex scandal with what appear to be another slut.

Karen Owen is the skank brunette on the left. Not to be confuse with the skank blonde friend on the right!
The Duke University alum who chronicled her last year of hookups and hoe shit in the form of a PowerPoint presentation that is spreading across the Internet like wildfire. The 2010 Duke graduate named Karen F. Owen, 22-year-old, sent her "unofficial senior thesis" as a PowerPoint file titled "An education beyond the classroom: Excelling in the Realm of Horizontal Academics" to three friends and did not intend for it to go further than that. But one of those friends forwarded it on and it went viral on the internet. Yes, one girlfriend forwarded it. "Fuck List" is the likely name of the original PPT file.
It is a quite involved ranking of the dozen or so sex partners that she had while she was in college (person A was hilarious, B was tiny, C was energetic ... etc.). The overall experience that she had with each of her partners is rated on a scale from 1 to 10. Yup, the 'Duke University Fuck List' is an in-depth ranking of the best and worst of Karen's alcohol-fueled sex life. "In my blackout state, still managed to crawl into bed with a Duke athlete," was one of the entries in the presentation. The whole thing seem to be done in revenge against the guys who treated her like the filthy whore she is. And she seems to unfairly penalize a few guys because she was having an off night herself. And one guy in particular was penalized for being Canadian. LOL...
The thesis is a 42-page PowerPoint presentation Karen Owen created as a mock senior thesis that will certainly cause a few embarrassments. One hook-up which stands out in particular is that of Boston Red Sox prospect Alex Hassan, whom she compares to "a beautifully wrapped Christmas present," that turns out to be "a single, practical pair of coarse, gray, wool socks." Karen, is of course, referring to Hassan's "size," as she does with every student-athlete described in her thesis. If the Red Sox doesn't sign him you know why... Yeah, so funny!
Since the list went viral, Owen has deleted all her social network accounts. When the news media reached Karen after the file made the national news, she stated that she never intended to spread the information on the net and she apologized to the people she had named in the "thesis." All of the men named were Duke athletes including lacrosse, baseball, tennis, etc. Keep in mind that the Duke Lacrosse team had a run-in with the national news media a while back when three team members were falsely accused of rape. All of the men are or were Duke athletes; five are on the lacrosse team.
She said "I regret it with all my heart. I would never intentionally hurt the people that are mentioned" in it. Anyway, her thesis begs a few questions: For one, when are the guys she slept with going to come out and rate her? Two, what is going to happen to her next? When she goes on job interviews will she embrace it? "Hi, I am Karen Owen. Yes, that Karen Owen." Let us predict her career path in this order: talk show appearances, Playboy spread, reality show: "Karen Owen's Thesis," leaked sex tape(s), failure of reality show, dark period in L.A., porn, Celebrity Rehab season 15.
Some have decided that perhaps the names of the men and photos are an invasion of their privacy, even if the young "lady" in question was the architect of their invasion, and redacted defining details in news reports. And now some people are having a hard time finding the uncensored/unedited presentation. So lets fix that problem...because Karen Owen is a hoe but the dudes were stupid enough to fall into her hoe trap. This can be a teachable moment for them to be careful where they stick their cocks in the future. And here is her presentation uncensored/unedited presentation with no further ado. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Som pics from her accounts before she deleted them.

From the cache of Ms Owen's LinkedIn (har har) profile, since deleted:
As a result of my experiences abroad, I would like to pursue a career in international health....
For experience:
Worked in the local community spreading HIV/AIDS information so as to challenge the stigma, discrimination and isolation attached to the disease
researched correlations between feather color and aggressive behavior in female tree swallows using a spectrometer
Determined indicators of male quality in tree swallows through analysis of song patterns
and, inevitably,
Sports Information Assistant
Duke Dept. of Athletics
Recorded, organized, and evaluated individual and team statistical records for numerous athletic events
So there you have it: her interests include aggressive behavior in females, determining male quality, recording statistics on athletes, and helping people with sexually transmitted diseases feel like they're not alone. Plus something about swallows. There is obviously no way anybody could have seen this coming.
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