Here is British actress/DJ Lauren Pope and her DJ Glam Girls partner Kellie Acreman relaxing poolside in Miami on Friday. Lauren Pope is not shy at all. As a Page 3 Girl, she shown plenty of topless skin but she was got paid for that, these topless shots are free. She is the busty blonde that has been linked to Prince Harry and football (soccer) player Peter Crouch. You might remember Lauren Pope and her big fake boobs as the giant breasted woman who Lindsay Lohan "personally" requested in London last month. So these topless pictures must be driving Lindsay Lohan wild right about now, her panties must be soaking wet. Anyway, the glamour model turn actress turn DJ is in Miami working the club scene there at nights. And letting her huge tities get some sun and fresh air during the days. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Lauren Pope (born September 29, 1983 in Torquay, United Kingdom) is a British DJ, model and actress.
Pope grew up in Torquay, Devon with her parents and two sisters. After moving to Cyprus when she was 18, she then came back and relocated to London with her sister. She saw and entered a competition in the Daily Star, then started appearing in Page Three.
Pope first made began making headlines when she was seen in a nightclub dancing with Prince Harry of Wales and was alleged to be his "girlfriend". Since then she has been linked to dating other celebrities, most notably the English Football player Peter Crouch. Since then she has appeared in publications such as Zoo Weekly and posed for FHM; she is often seen posing in these magazines with Natalie Denning. She has posed for Playboy TV in the UK.
Pope starred in ITV reality series Tycoon. She recently appeared on The Weakest Link in a WAGs special where it was clear she and Linsey Dawn Mckenzie did not see eye to eye.
Lauren Pope created her own brand of hair extensions Hair Rehab London, the new brand of clip in hair extensions. The brand was set up in 2007 as part of ITV1’s business reality show ‘Tycoon’ in which Lauren was tutored and mentored by multi millionaire businessman Peter Jones of Dragons Den fame.
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