More pornish cheerleader photos surface a of yet another entertaining and willing to please squad. Below we have the Orange Coast College cheerleaders doing Las Vegas, and doing it like rock stars. It's too bad the old slogan "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" is not true. I have never even heard of Orange Coast College before seeing the racy photos below. California must have schools just for hot chicks who love to camwhore to say they are in college. According to the school's website, the OCC’s cheerleaders have won 9 national titles in the last 10 years. And have now contributed another leaked nudity filled set of cheerleaders having fun, too much fun if you ask me. Seriously, is this some sort of ritual for all cheerleaders? Is stripping, girl on girl kissing action, nipple piercings, drinking and posing in front of a camera in a hotel room some form of stress relief for cheerleaders? Not that I’m complaining of course. Anyway, these pics are just over a year old but its new to you if you have not seen them before. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Thanks to "John"
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