And here we have Leighton Meester looking ridiculously skanky in this ass revealing see-through dress at the MTV Movie Awards. In other words, I have never been more attracted to her as I am right now. We all knew she had a nice ass from her proper positioning bikini pictures from the other day. But what I didn't know is how skanky she could be. The only thing that could have made these pictures even more skanky is if she showed us the thong she is doubtingly wearing under that thing. Anyway, I was reading somewhere that many women suffer from vitamin D deficiency in certain Muslim countries where burqas are basically required. So, I am thinking America should air drop millions of these Leighton Meester skin revealing dresses to those poor women in the name of humanitarian aid. And then they will see that America is not all that bad. LOL... Click on pictures to enlarge.


Leighton Marissa Claire Meester (born April 9, 1986 in Marco Island, Florida, USA) is an American actress, best known for her role as Blair Waldorf in the TV show Gossip Girl. Her first acting role on a television program was on NBC's legal drama Law & Order in 1999. Other series in which Meester has appeared include CSI: Miami, 8 Simple Rules, 24, 7th Heaven, and House.
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