It's been a very long time since we posted those leaked amateur Vida Guerra nude cellphone pictures, but Vida's back, and so is her enormous ass in these Vida Guerra bikini pictures. Not sure what Vida's been up to in the last few months, but whatever it was, she's still looking pretty good. Personally, I'd like to think she's getting ready to take on Kim Kardashian for the Ass of the Year Fight to the Death. Yeah, with a lot of baby oil being poured on their monster butts, I'd pay to see that. Vida Guerra managed to make a career out of her ass and her greatest trickery was making guys want her despite being on the verge of buttaface status. Although her ass is definitely not as awesome as Keyra Augstina’s, it’s nice, but I’m not that into it unless its in a big butt fight with Kim's ass. But with all that said, I would still bang the the shit out of the amost butterface. Hey, what can I say? I am a guy... Click on pictures to enlarge.

Who in the hell knows how Vida Guerra got to write "model" on her tax forms. Cover up her big ass and she looks less than a buttaface. Uncover her big ass and from behind she looks like Baby Bop with a spray tan. Unless I was trying to sell big rims or low rider magazines or airbrushed T-shirts, I don't see how either of these two options would be included in the marketing section of my business plan. That ass is just too massive for no reason but it is putting dinner on her table, so I will give it to her. All that ASS...
It reminds me too much of those exercise balls. The one where kids sit on and bounce around the room, that and the fact that its going to be a losing battle with gravity. Sure it looks tempting now but its going to look like a half deflated exercise ball the kids always left behind when they are done. So pretty much every time I look at Vida, I think of that and I guess that’s what puts me off. Damn, incorporating innocent children into sexual fantasies or even theoretical sexual examples is never good idea.
Vida Guerra (born Cuba on March 19, 1974 in Havana, Cuba) is a Cuban-born American model, actress, and singer. Her first notable appearance was in the U.S. edition of FHM magazine in December 2002; since then, she has modeled for many other men's magazines.
Guerra's first national exposure came when she appeared in a lingerie spread for FHM in December 2002. The magazine later reported that following its publication, almost one-third of their mail was from readers demanding more photos of her. She was called back for more photo shoots and became "FHM's Model of the Year" in 2004. Since then, she has been featured in many magazines, including DUB, Smooth, Escape, and Open Your Eyes, often as the "cover girl".
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