Here is yet another sex scandal from two Muslim love birds! Two government officials in Indonesia are at the center of a sex scandal involving leaked nude photos of their steamy extramarital affair together. The pictures show a woman, alleged to be Pekalongan regency head Siti Qomariyah, posing with a man who is allegedly her deputy, Wahyudi Ponco. Two out of 22 pictures showed the couple half naked in each others arms. The leaked photos of the Regent and Vice Regent of Pekalongan, Central Java are being circulated on the Internet stemming from a Facebook account or two. The racy pictures show Regent Siti Qomariah and her Deputy Regent Wahyudi Pontjo in a hotel room before and after one of their sexual escapades on Valentine's Day. Just how romantic is this?
These Indonesians officials just want to have sex with anyone but their spouses on Valentine's Day! LOL... If you are a regent in a Muslim country probably it isn't such a great idea to take pictures and make an apparent sex video of herself fucking your deputy. Surprisingly, the photos were actually leaked and are still circulating on a Facebook account under the name of Qomariah Ponco. The name on the account is a combination of the names of Pekalongan Regent, namely Siti Qomariah and the Vice Regent Wahyudi Pontjo "Ponco" Pekalongan Nugroho. The photos seem to have been taken on at least two of not three different occasion in hotel rooms, based on the two or three sets of undies the Regent is seen wearing.
The first Facebook profile under the name of "Qomariah Ponco" that started it all is so popular that the creator created a second account under the name "Qomariyah Ponco Dua" for any one who want to add it as a friend. The first account had a public status that allow all Facebook users, including those not yet friends, to comment and see the photos. So far there are hundreds of incoming comments but a change was made so you would have to be added. The first account had already reached the 5,000 friend limit on social networking site Facebook and the sceond account is almost there.
In the photos uploaded on February 5, 2010, there is a caption indicating they were pictures from Valentine's Day 2005. Most of the pictures seem to have been taken using a cell phone or they could be stills from a video. In one of the photo albums on the first account on Facebook, you can find 22 racy pictures of Qomariyah and Ponco. Most of the pictures show Qomariah wearing only her underwear before or after a sexual encounter with Deputy Ponco.
Some others are more "vulgar" with the Regent topless or getting undress. In the album mentioned, there are also 2 photos of Qomariyah with Ponco in intimate embraces. I remind you they are married to other people. In one of the photo, they appear fully clothed. But in the other pictures, they are minimally dressed. And more photos of the two are popping up everywhere now as a result of the leak on Facebook. The existence of the scandalous Facebook account, of course, is giving residents of Pekalongan tantrums. A number of people from Pekalongan who enjoy surfing in cyberspace admit being surprise at finding such facebook account.
"I was very surprised because the image is very clear. Warga Pekalongan certainly know who they are (Qomariyah and Ponco)," said Nuryanto (35), resident of Bojong village, subdistrict Bojong, Thursday (2/18/2010).
"I was shocked to hear it, but when I saw it online, it's their pictures and it's very vulgar,” Ari, a journalist from Pekalongan, told Metro TV, Thursday (2/18/2010).
Before these racy photo allegedly of Pekalongan Regent and Vice Regent came to the attention of the public, law enforcement officers led two individuals away who allegedly did some photos circulation. It is still not clear whether or not they were the source of the original leak. Meanwhile, the regent and her deputy who allegedly are the subjects in the scandalous photos remain untouchable by the law. Despite the fact that adultery is illegal in Indonesia but it seems the laws of the land only apply to the poor like in half of the world.
The Regent and Vice Regent can be sanctioned and be removed from their position if the scandalous photos which are circulating all over the Internet now are proven true. But did you know Muslims in parts of Indonesia who commit adultery could be stoned to death? But based on the AFP notes, circulation of the racy photographs of the two are not something new. The same thing occurred in 2006, ahead of local elections in Pekalongan. At that time, Ponco and Qomariyah were running mates for Pekalongan Regent and Vice Regent Candidate. An affair was obvious then between the two. The only difference is that these newly leaked pictures are more revealing.
With the Pekalongan Regency Heads in another alleged steamy picture scandal, local police are after the new leaker but are not indicating any action will be taken against official pictured. Pekalongan Police Chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Edi Murbowo said that even though nobody had filed a report complaining about the pictures, police would conduct an investigation. "We are still investigating it and we will form a task force to find out who leaked the pictures," Edi said.
But the story of the affair was not a stumbling block for them to reach the highest position in the Pekalongan Regency. The couple carried National Awakening Party (PKB) and Golkar Party in still winning the election by getting 227,137 votes, or 52.23 percent. And after officially becoming regent and deputy regent, both did not get divorced from their spouses despite the details of their extramarital affair being leaked during the election. But divorce, removed from office and arrest might result from these even more juicy pictures in the predominantly Islamic Indonesia. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Siti Qomariah is an Indonesian politician. She is currently the regent of Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. She campaigned for her present office with her running-mate Ponco Nugroho in the 2006 regional election and they won a four year term ending in 2011. Qomariyah and Ponco were candidates from the National Awakening Party (PKB) and Golkar Party. During the regency head election, their campaign was smeared by the saucy pictures but it did not stop them from winning the election with 52 percent of the vote. In 2006, Pekalongan Police arrested a local government staffer named Sugiyantoro who was convicted of leaking the pictures to public. He was sentenced to nine months on probation. However, police never confirmed if the couple in the pictures were Qomariyah and Ponco.
Wahyudi Pontjo Pekalongan Nugroho is an Indonesian politician. He is the vice regent of Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. He campaigned for his present office in the 2006 regional election and won a four year term ending in 2011.
Thanks to an anonymous contributor.
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