Nazri is the biggest joke in Malaysia and it is spreading worldwide. Everyone is talking about him and his lust not to mention his hypocrisy.
Double Standards Hypocrisy Double Standards Hypocrisy Double Standards is great when you don't believe what you preach! Yeah, they preach it but they don't follow their own preaching. They force the people to do one thing and they do the opposite. Punishment come fast when the people get caught but nothing happen when they are caught. What give them the moral authority with their double standards?
Surprise the blog is still here? Lets just say the hypocrite assholes ruling Malaysia are having difficulties blocking the and lets leave it at that.The idiots running Malaysia have not been able to knock this blog off the Internet for two days now and the Malaysian people keep on coming to see the pictures of the Double Standard politician. Since they have been unable to block the blog for almost two days now, the Malaysian government was forced to run an article on The Star Online news website in an attempt to cover up for Nazri. You just know this blog is just pissing them off like hell. And no, the authors of this blog were not killed in Malaysia. But the rumors of that are pretty funny. The corrupt Malaysian government is trying to use fear to shut up people in the country, thats the way they keep things under control when the lies fail.
"Anonymous" people familiar with the politician say its not him so that is their prove. What a joke? Damn, this blog has anonymous people saying it is in fact him and these people have pictures backing up their words so the anonymous sources should cancel each other other but we still have the pictures. Maybe the pictures show his long lost identical twin brother in a compromising position with a hooker a few years back. Or better yet, it is his clone fighting with a time traveling witch on a bed in a cheap hotel room. These crazy Malaysian politician think people are going to believe anything they put in their state control media. But if you notice in the title of The Star Online article the "not Nazri" is in quotations. So you know the reporters being force to write the crap for the politicians did not believe what they were being told. Now if we only knew who they quoted. For sure it was a man with a gun. The Star Online itself is NOT saying its not him, The Star is quoting a unknown person. Here is the first draft of the article:
"Man in photo with woman ‘not Nazri’
KUALA LUMPUR: A photograph, posted on showing a man with a woman in a compromising position, is not that of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz as claimed by the foreign blog.
One of the other photographs is, however, that of Nazri, who is shown sitting on a couch at Parliament lobby.
The owner of the blog claimed that the photographs were sent by a contributor several months ago.
Nazri declined to comment when contacted but people familiar with the politician said it was not him."
Thanks for the link guys, we know for sure there are some good people being forced to do things at The Star Online. But a few hours later the link was removed because the idiot politicians caught on. Just think about it, why remove the link to the pictures in question if the pictures are not of Nazri Aziz. The best part is that "Nazri declined to comment when contacted" like a coward. The entire country is laughing at him and his family and he declined to comment. He lacks the courage to face the situation and the pictures that are bringing his honer in question. Lets just wonder who is the man of that family. My money is on the Heineken drinking big time player womanizing son. Nazri Aziz has some serious explaining to do to his son, one is sure that the son is not happy knowing that his father has been stepping out on his mother. And here is the final draft after several revisions of The Star Online article, this is after they remove the name and link to this website:
"Man in photo with woman ‘not Nazri’
KUALA LUMPUR: A photograph, posted on a website showing a man with a woman in a compromising position, is not that of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz as claimed by the foreign blog.
One of the other photographs is, however, that of Nazri, who is shown sitting on a couch at Parliament lobby.
The owner of the blog claimed that the photographs were sent by a contributor several months ago.
Nazri declined to comment when contacted but people familiar with the politician said it was not him."
Note, The Star Online got the number of pictures wrong. You can look for yourself and see more than "A photograph" was posted. By saying it was one picture, they are trying to make it sound less serious. Damn, you see mistakes were made in the first two words of the article. What else could they have gotten wrong? Do not blame the people at The Star Online, the guy writing the article might have a gun at his head whiling he was writing it.
Nazri has lost his moral authority. At this point his is just bring more shame to his party and family. His hypocrisy and his lack of strength in the wake of these picture bring in question his manhood. Elizabeth Wong is more of a man than Nazri because at least she faced the media. Nazri is in hiding, he hide like a little girl under her sheet because of the monsters in the closet. If he is not the person in these pictures, why not just say so?
Picture 2

Under Sharia law unlawful sexual intercourse (outside marriage) and the drinking of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Sexual offenses can carry a penalty of stoning to death or flogging. Drinking of alcohol is defined as criminal offenses, they are often punishable by a prison.
Wouldn't you love to hear his stand on Sharia law right about now? What do you think he would say? Now that he has lost any moral authority to preach to the people of Malaysia. BTW, Why didn't the article mention the Double Standards for the son? Just look at the son of the man preaching Islam. Hey, go preach Islam to your son before you preach it to others:

They do not want to obey the laws they want to impose on others. Only poor Muslims are send to prison for enjoying a can of beer but not the sons of the powerful. More than anyone else, the faithful poor Muslims of Malaysia should be the most upset.
Sharia (Arabic: 'شريعة transliteration: Šarīʿah) is the body of Islamic religious law. The term means "way" or "path to the water source"; it is the legal framework within which the public and private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islamic principles of jurisprudence and for Muslims living outside the domain. Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, family, sexuality, hygiene, and social issues.
Before the 19th century, legal theory was considered the domain of the traditional legal schools of thought. Most Sunni Muslims follow Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki or Shafii, while most Shia Muslims, the Twelvers, follow the Jaafari school of thought.
Islamic law is now the most widely used religious law, and one of the three most common legal systems of the world alongside common law and civil law. During the Islamic Golden Age, classical Islamic law may have influenced the development of common law, and also influenced the development of several civil law institutions.
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