Here is Asian American's very own attention seeking Steven Lim. Onch, the 23 year-old gay Asian dude from the Paris Hilton show I wanna be Paris’ New Best Friend, "leaked" a picture of himself without clothes on holding a Mr Potato Head in a bathtub. Let me repeat that, Paris Hilton BFF contestant and drama queen Onch has posed for nude private photos and leaked said naked picture of himself onto the internet. This is exactly what happens when you hang around with Parasite Hilton too long, its just like Kim Kardashian leaking her sex tape. As you can imagine, Onch’s penis is huge, and by huge I mean large enough to be seen by the naked eye. That’s much more than I was expecting. I think Chyna's monster clit is bigger than this dude's junk so why would he do this to himself? Oh that right, he is an attention seeking man whore. Paris Hilton is to be blamed for this!!! Click on picture to enlarge.

Blame Paris Hilton for putting him on TV to begin with!!!
Let me say that I hate bringing more attention to someone who clearly is an attention whore that would do something like this shit but I saw this shit coming from a mile away. A useless talentless attention seeker like this fool would do something after his 15 minutes was up to get more. I wonder about his parents, hopefully they are second or third generation Americans at least. This whole situation would emotionally kill an immigrant or first generation Asian family in America. To tell you the truth, I don't think this dude is really gay but I think he would take it up the ass from the entire LA Lakers basketball team to get attention and fame!
Thanks to "Lisa K"
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