Thank you all of making this site into one of the top 10,000 websites on the Internet. Just Fucking Awesome people. rank websites and I follow their rankings closely, here is the current ranking for this site:

BTW, this site is rank 108 in Malaysia, 242 Singapore and 31 in Cambodia. I am also happy with the ranking in Indonesia, South Korea and Hong Kong. During the whole Edison Chen Photo Sex Scandal the Gutter Uncensored had a 61 ranking in Malaysia and I do plan to get back there. The ranking in Singapore is just getting better and better each week, the Gutter Uncensored with be the most popular blog in both Malaysia and Singapore very soon. And then there is China, a few months ago we were getting only one or two hits from the People's Republic of China but now we have a steady flow with a ranking of 35,219. Spread the word in China, if you are in China share this blog with your friends there and send email if you are not in China but you have friends over there. You should know what your friends are into, give them a heads up if you think they might be interested in a site like this.
A 35k ranking in China , the world's largest market is not bad. And the site is still maintaining good traffic in the United States with a ranikng of 42,252. But I do need to grow our India traffic because the 47,222 is good, just not good enough. Only top 50k ranking count and a 47k is just cutting things too close. Folks in India better start sending me ( hot uncensored REAL photos and videos of their celebrities. I would post more Indian celeb babes but just too many photoshop fakes out there of them and its hard to tell what is what.
A 35k ranking in China , the world's largest market is not bad. And the site is still maintaining good traffic in the United States with a ranikng of 42,252. But I do need to grow our India traffic because the 47,222 is good, just not good enough. Only top 50k ranking count and a 47k is just cutting things too close. Folks in India better start sending me ( hot uncensored REAL photos and videos of their celebrities. I would post more Indian celeb babes but just too many photoshop fakes out there of them and its hard to tell what is what.
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